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Brussels / Düsseldorf / Hamburg / London / Manchester / Munich / Paris / Shanghai / Silicon Valley / Data Privacy and Security Law 2.0:

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Presentation on theme: "Brussels / Düsseldorf / Hamburg / London / Manchester / Munich / Paris / Shanghai / Silicon Valley / Data Privacy and Security Law 2.0:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Brussels / Düsseldorf / Hamburg / London / Manchester / Munich / Paris / Shanghai / Silicon Valley / Data Privacy and Security Law 2.0: What it means for you Antonis Patrikios, Partner - Privacy, Security & Information LCIF 23 May 2016

2 Brussels / Düsseldorf / Hamburg / London / Manchester / Munich / Paris / Shanghai / Silicon Valley / 2 EU law reform EU General Data Protection Regulation EU Draft Cyber Security Directive Revision of EU PEC Directive

3 Brussels / Düsseldorf / Hamburg / London / Manchester / Munich / Paris / Shanghai / Silicon Valley / 3 New EU General Data Protection Regulation Wider scope of application New concepts New compliance requirements and higher expectations of compliance – Accountability. Privacy by Default and by Design – Mandatory breach notification More rights for individuals Non-compliance may have significant consequences – Mandatory regulatory audits – Enforcement action – Law suits – Enforcement action, incl. fines of up to €20,000,000 or 4% AWWTO Must be ready by 25 May 2018

4 Brussels / Düsseldorf / Hamburg / London / Manchester / Munich / Paris / Shanghai / Silicon Valley / 4 Growing body of case law CJEU, e.g: Google Spain – Right To Be Forgotten introduced Weltimmo – no One Stop Shop regulation Max Schrems – EU/US Safe Harbor RIP UK, e.g: UK CA (pending), Google v Vidal Hall – more law suits from individuals?

5 Brussels / Düsseldorf / Hamburg / London / Manchester / Munich / Paris / Shanghai / Silicon Valley / 5 Activist data subjects

6 Brussels / Düsseldorf / Hamburg / London / Manchester / Munich / Paris / Shanghai / Silicon Valley / 6 Cyber and data security breaches Source:

7 Brussels / Düsseldorf / Hamburg / London / Manchester / Munich / Paris / Shanghai / Silicon Valley / 7 Compliance on a global basis Source: Forrester Research - Global Privacy Heatmap

8 Brussels / Düsseldorf / Hamburg / London / Manchester / Munich / Paris / Shanghai / Silicon Valley / 8 What will Data Privacy Law 2.0 feel like? Rapidly evolving Multi-source & multi-layered Fragmented, but overlapping Grey areas and risk Scope for creative compliance solutions

9 Brussels / Düsseldorf / Hamburg / London / Manchester / Munich / Palo Alto / Paris / Shanghai / ‹#› Any questions? Antonis Patrikios Partner, Privacy, Security & Information - London E: T: +44 (0)20 7861 4354

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