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Minnesota State Government All Pictures & some info from: some info from Minnesota Legislative Manual K.

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Presentation on theme: "Minnesota State Government All Pictures & some info from: some info from Minnesota Legislative Manual K."— Presentation transcript:

1 Minnesota State Government All Pictures & some info from:, some info from Minnesota Legislative Manual K Hanson 2014

2 Governor of Minnesota Term: 4 years - most serve 2, a few 3 Qualifications: citizen, @ least 25, resident for 1 year Elected during federal midterm elections (2010)

3 Important Governor Roles Commander in Chief: state militia Oversee state government Shaping public policy Appointment & Removal Power: state officials - appointing heads of state departments (similar to the president’s cabinet)


5 Lt. Governor of Minnesota Same qualifications as the governor Until 1972, presiding officer of the Senate

6 Attorney General Salary: $114,288 (2015: $117,716) Duties: Chief legal advisor for the state of MN Represents & provide legal services for state agencies Chief policy maker & law enforcer in consumer protection

7 State Auditor Duties: Serve as a ‘watchdog’ for MN taxpayers Professional reviews of financial forms Responsible for oversight of all local governments

8 Secretary of State Duties: Administering the Elections, recording of business documents, filing and preserving official documents

9 MN State Senate 67 Districts(largest in US) Represent approx 73,425 citizens Elected to 4 year terms except in census years - then 2 year terms All Senators elected @ the same time

10 MN Senate Chamber

11 Your District Map 2012 MN Legislative Districts

12 MN House of Representatives 134 Representatives (senate districts a & b) Represent about 36,713 citizens Term of 2 years

13 House Chamber

14 Legislature Information Under the Constitution: can only meet 120 days in a biennium (2 years) Special sessions are sometimes needed when the business is not completed - the Governor must call these, legislature closes them Requirements: qualified voter, resident for 1 year, resident of district for 6 months, may not hold any federal office during term

15 Important Powers REDISTRICTING!!!!! Following census: must redistrict federal house districts as well as state house/senate districts Federal courts must approve newly drawn legislative districts The party in control of the state legislature has a major role/power in the process

16 MN Judicial Branch Layout

17 MN Supreme Court Original & Appellate jurisdiction - civil & criminal cases One Chief Justice & 6 Associate Justices Elected by the state (usually run unopposed) Governor appoints replacements (great influence on choices)

18 MN Supreme Court

19 MN Court of Appeals Created in 1983 - amendment to the MN Constitution Jurisdiction between the district & supreme court Panel of at least 3 judges 16 judges on the court, nonpartisan & serve a 6 year term - elected statewide - but, one must represent each judicial district!

20 MN District Courts 10 judicial districts in Minnesota In 2010, there were 275 district court judges Judges elected on a non-partisan basis Vacancies filled by the governor Judge must be resident of the district Trial courts for the states

21 MN District Court Map Dakota County Is in District 1

22 MN Revenue ion.aspx





27 Local Government Types County City Township School Board Special District

28 Dakota County

29 County Government County: largest territorial & political subdivision of state Depending on where the counties are depends on how much power they have Type of Government: Commission (county commissioners are elected) County Board: Ordinances, impose taxes, inspectors Many have County Managers (appt.)

30 County Government Sheriff – county’s chief law enforcement officer (Dave Bellows) Enforces court orders & manages jail District Attorney – county’s prosecutor (James Backstrom) Investigates crime, brings charges & prosecutes cases County Judges sometimes elected They are elected in Dakota County

31 County Government County Auditor – County $ spent within state & local law County Clerk – keeps official records County Coroner – works with police depts to look at suspicious deaths

32 City Government

33 Constitution does not mention local governments Incorporated - locality with an officially organized government – provides services to residents City Charter – application to state legislature – grants power to local governments Similar to a city constitution

34 City Government Mayor Council Form - power is divided between Legislative & Executive Wards – large city voting districts Member at large – elected by whole city Strong Mayor System – large city Weak Mayor System – small city Ordinances – city laws

35 Townships

36 Town/Township Government Depending on area depends on how the government works Town form of govt - New England states In most states townships & states share authority Town Meeting – exercise in direct democracy

37 Town/Township Governments Township – elected officials which help provide local services Village – smallest unit of government Usually lie within boundaries of other local governments

38 Special Services

39 Special Districts Special Functions: Education, Water Supply, Transportation Most numerous type of local government Local School District most common Metropolitan Areas: Central City and surrounding suburbs

40 School Board

41 School board elected governing body of the district Must meet regularly Committees are formed to deal with issues Board requirements: 21 on election day Can NOT be a sexual offender Elected to 4 year terms (odd voting years)

42 District 196 School Board

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