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Dilawaiz Nadeem MCh Orth, MD, FRCS (Ed) Trauma & Orth Professor /Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon SIMS / Services Hospital, Lahore Find Online Presentations.

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Presentation on theme: "Dilawaiz Nadeem MCh Orth, MD, FRCS (Ed) Trauma & Orth Professor /Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon SIMS / Services Hospital, Lahore Find Online Presentations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dilawaiz Nadeem MCh Orth, MD, FRCS (Ed) Trauma & Orth Professor /Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon SIMS / Services Hospital, Lahore Find Online Presentations & Data @

2 Time After Injury

3 PreventionTriage Primary survey Secondary survey StabilisationTransfer Definitive care

4 Priority depends on  experience  resources  severity of injury

5 Primary Survey - a swift check of vital functions A-B-C-D-E - treat problems as you find them Secondary Survey - a systematic examination of structure and function to make sure you do not miss anything important Stabilisation and transfer for definitive treatment in the hospital or referral elsewhere ? Phases of acute trauma care

6  Primary Survey ( ABCDE ) Resuscitation and its adjuncts Consider Need for Transfer  Secondary Survey ( Head to Toe Evaluation) Tubes and Fingers in every orifice  Definitive Care

7  To introduce the elements of primary survey  To understand when to perform the primary survey 7

8  Airway  Breathing  Circulation  Disability  Exposure 14

9  Look, listen, feel  Colour  Conscious state  Accessory muscle use

10  Airway obstruction  Chest injuries with breathing difficulties  Cervical spine injury

11  Clear mouth  Chin lift / Jaw thrust  Oro / Nasopharyngeal Airway  Intubation  Cervical spine care 16

12  Air movement  Respiratory rate

13  Tension pneumothorax  Massive haemothorax  Open pneumothorax  Flail chest  Lung contusion

14  Oxygen (if available)  Artificial ventilation  Decompress pneumothorax  Darin haemothorax 19

15  Cardiac output  Blood volume  External haemorrhage

16  Intra-abdominal injury  Intra-thoracic injury  Long bone fracture  Pelvic fracture  Penetrating injury  Scalp wounds 22

17  Stop bleeding  Large bore intravenous access x 2  Blood for crossmatch and Hb  Administer IV fluids

18  Pupils  Check awareness A Awake V Verbal command response P Responds to pain U Unresponsive 24

19  Undress for thorough assessment  Prevent hypothermia 25

20  Cervical spine (lateral)  Chest  Pelvis 26

21 If patient is, or becomes, unstable 27

22  Rapid sequential look  2 minutes  Treat as you find  Repeat at any time if unstable 29

23 Objectives  To understand how and when to perform the secondary survey 72


25  Thorough head to toe examination  On completion of primary survey  When ABC’s are stable  Aim to find any injury that may threaten life or limb  Return to primary survey if any deterioration 73

26  Scalp (bruising, lacerations)  Skull (tenderness, depression)  Eyes (pupils, fundi, lens, conjunctiva)  CSF or blood from ear, nose, mouth 74

27  Assume neck is injured  Immobilise in neutral position 75



30  Penetrating wounds  Subcutaneous emphysema  Tracheal deviation  Neck veins 76

31  Glasgow Coma Score  Motor Function  Sensation  Reflexes 77

32  Inspection  Palpation  Percussion  Auscultation  CXR (if not done, and if possible)  ECG ( if available) 78


34  Potentially Difficult  Beware “hidden haemorrhage”  Look, listen, feel  Remember rectal examination 79

35  Penetrating wound  surgical exploration  Blunt trauma - naso/orogastric tube  Urinary Catheter if no meatal blood  Reassess frequently 80

36  Look: deformity, bruising, laceration  Feel: tenderness, pulses  Remember compartment syndrome 81

37 Don’t forget the back! 82


39  4 people  Airway/neck controller in charge  Clear timing and instructions  Allows back examination 83

40  In secondary survey if not already done  Chest  Cervical spine - all 7 vertebrae + T1  Pelvis  Others as indicated by examination 84



43 ? 85


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