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UNIT SIX Back to Table of Contents. CANT, CHANT RECANT Although he was critical of his fellow band members at first, the drummer later recanted his criticism.

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1 UNIT SIX Back to Table of Contents

2 CANT, CHANT RECANT Although he was critical of his fellow band members at first, the drummer later recanted his criticism. v. To formally withdraw L. re, “back,” + cantum = to call back syn: repeal ant: reaffirm Unit Six Back to Table of Contents Latin CANERE, CANTUM, “to sing, to call”

3 CANT, CHANT INCANTATION The children, exposed to the words of a foreign language for the first time, thought they were hearing a magical incantation. n. Ritual chant; spell L. in, “in,” + cantum = to call on (supernatural forces) syn: spell Unit Six Back to Table of Contents Latin CANERE, CANTUM, “to sing, to call”

4 CANT, CHANT DISENCHANTED The team’s fans, who had once loved the star pitcher, grew disenchanted with him as he failed to strike the other team out. adj. Losing fondness for; unhappy with syn: disappointed ant: enthusiastic Unit Six Back to Table of Contents Latin CANERE, CANTUM, “to sing, to call”

5 AUD INAUDIBLE Feedback from the microphone grew from an almost inaudible buzzing to a deafening shriek. adj. So quiet as to be impossible to hear L. in, “not,” + auditum = not heard ant: loud Unit Six Back to Table of Contents Latin AUDIRE, AUDITUM, “to hear”

6 AUD AUDITORY Developing auditory skills involves knowing what to listen for and when to listen for it. adj. Having to do with the sense of hearing Unit Six Back to Table of Contents Latin AUDIRE, AUDITUM, “to hear”

7 AUD AUDIT Once the accounting scandal became public knowledge, an audit of the company’s finances was called for. n. A thorough review Unit Six Back to Table of Contents Latin AUDIRE, AUDITUM, “to hear”

8 SON DISSONANCE The static blaring from the radio filled the room with a painful dissonance. n. Unpleasant or unharmonious sound L. dis, “bad” + sonatum = bad sound syn: discord ant: harmony Unit Six Back to Table of Contents Latin SONARE, SONATUM, “to sound”

9 SON ASSONANCE The young poet could produce lines of skillful assonance and great beauty. n. Similarity of word sounds L. ad, “near to,” + sonatum = sound near to Unit Six Back to Table of Contents Latin SONARE, SONATUM, “to sound”

10 SON RESONANT The music of some composers who died long ago is still resonant today. adj. Having an effect; powerful L. re, “again,” + sonare = to sound again Unit Six Back to Table of Contents Latin SONARE, SONATUM, “to sound”

11 LOG ANALOGOUS Do you think the invention of the printing press is analogous to the invention of the computer in our own time? adj. Comparable to; like G. ana, “according to,” + logein = according to reason syn: equivalent ant: unrelated Unit Six Back to Table of Contents Greek LOGEIN, “to speak, to reason”

12 LOG DIALOGUE The countries had been at war for so long that any kind of dialogue seemed impossible. n. Communication between two or more people G. dia, “between,” + logein = to speak between syn: conversation Unit Six Back to Table of Contents Greek LOGEIN, “to speak, to reason”

13 LOG The PRO LOG marched by with the rest of the LOGS following behind. Unit Six Back to Table of Contents Greek LOGEIN, “to speak, to reason” PROLOGUE In the prologue to the novel, the author lists the main characters and their histories. n. A speech, passage, or event coming before the main speech or event G. pro, “before,” + logein = to speak before syn: preface ant: epilogue

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