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1 Proving Properties of Recursive List Functions CS 270 Math Foundations of CS Jeremy Johnson.

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1 1 Proving Properties of Recursive List Functions CS 270 Math Foundations of CS Jeremy Johnson

2 2 Objective  To provide simple semantics for a purely functional subset of racket and to use this semantics to prove properties of racket programs.  To use structural induction to prove properties of recursive list functions (append, reverse)

3 Outline  Substitution semantics Basic axioms Definitional axiom Equational reasoning  Structural induction Proving properties of recursive functions of lists

4 4 Substitution Model of Computation  function application corresponds to substituting the argument expressions into the formal parameters of the function body  Order of evaluation Applicative vs. normal order Termination Church-Rosser

5 5 Substitution Example  (define (sqr x) (* x x))  (define (sum-of-squares x y) (+ (sqr x) (sqr y)))  (define (f a) (sum-of-squares (+ a 1) (* a 2))) [applicative order]  (f 5)  (sum-of-squares (+ 5 1) (* 5 2))  (+ (square 6) (square 10))  (+ (* 6 6) (* 10 10))  (+ 36 100)  136 [normal order]  (f 5)  (sum-of-squares (+ 5 1) (* 5 2))  (+ (square (+ 5 1)) (square (* 5 2)) )  (+ (* (+ 5 1) (+ 5 1)) (* (* 5 2) (* 5 2)))  (+ (* 6 6) (* 10 10))  (+ 36 100)

6 6 Order Matters (define (p) (p)) (define (test x y) (if (= x 0) 0 y)) (test 0 (p))

7 7 Equational Reasoning  Prove equivalence of racket expressions by repeatedly replacing subexpressions by equivalent subexpressions until the two expressions are equal  Axioms for built-in functions  Definitional axiom  Properties of equality

8 Equality  x = y ⇒ (equal? x y) = #t  x  y ⇒ (equal? x y) = #f  = is an equivalence relation  Reflexive x = x  Symmetric x = y  y = x  Transitive x = y  y = z  x = z (chain together a sequence of equations)  Equality Axiom Schema for Functions  (x 1 = y 1 ∧  ∧ x n = y n ) ⇒ (f x 1  x n ) = (f y 1  y n )  To reason about constants, we can use evaluation

9 Axioms  (first (cons x y)) = x  (rest (cons x y)) = y Otherwise null  (cons? (cons x y)) = #t Otherwise #f  (null? null) = #t Otherwise #f  x = #f ⇒ (if x y z) = z  x  #f ⇒ (if x y z) = y

10 Contracts ; input-contract ic ; output-contract oc (define (f x 1... x n ) body)  Input contract – input assumptions  Output contract – guarantees provided by outputs  Body contracts – input contracts must be satisfied for all function calls

11 Definitional Axiom ; input-contract ic ; output-contract oc (define (f x 1... x n ) body)  If the function f is admissible Add definitional axiom for f: ic  [(f x 1... x n ) = body] Add contract theorem for f: ic  oc

12 Definitional Principle ; input-contract ic ; output-contract oc (define (f x 1... x n ) body)  The function f is admissible f is a new function (no other axioms about f) x i ’s are distinct body is a term, possibly using f, but with no free variables other than x i ’s f is terminating ic  oc is a theorem body contracts hold under assumption of ic

13 Soundness and Termination (define (f x) ;input-contract (natural? x) ;output-contract (natural? (f x)) (+ 1 (f x)))  The definitional axiom for f leads to unsound logic (natural? x)  x  x+1 [property of natural numbers] (natural? (f x))  (f x)  (+ 1 (f x)) [instantiate above] (natural? x)  (f x)  (+ 1 (f x)) [from ic  oc] (natural x)  (f x) = (+ 1 (f x)) [from def axiom] (natural x)  #f [from p  p = #f]

14 Structural Induction  When using induction on recursively defined data structures like lists you can induct on the size of the data structure = to the number of calls to the constructors.  When trying to show a property for a data structure of a given size, you can assume that the property holds when making a recursive call on a smaller data structure. You must make sure that the property holds for all constructors including base cases.  With lists (rest …) will return a smaller data structure (at least one fewer cons)  Structural induction allows you to induct on the recursive data structure without being explicit about the size provided the IH is applied to smaller objects.

15 Length ; Input: l is a list ; Output: a non-negative integer = length of l (define (length l) (if (null? l) 0 (+ 1 (length (rest l))) ))  Properties 1.(length null) = 0 2.(length (cons x y)) = (+ 1 (length y)) 15

16 Proof of Properties of Length  Proof (length null) =  (if (null? null) 0 (+ 1 (length (rest null))))  (if #t 0 (+ (length (rest null))))  0 (length (cons x y))  (if (null? (cons x y)) 0 (+ 1 (length (rest (cons x y)))))  (if #f 0 (+ 1 (length (rest (cons x y)))))  (+ 1 (length (rest (cons x y))))  (+ 1 (length y)) 16

17 Output Contract  (define (natural? x) (if (integer? x) (or (> x 0) (= x 0)) #f))  (list? x)  (natural? (length x)) Proof by induction. Base case x = null. (length x) = 0 Assume (list? (rest x))  (natural? (length (rest x))) (natural? (length x))  (natural? (+ 1 (length (rest x))))  (and (natural? 1) (natural? (length (rest x)))) [(rest x) is a list since x is a list, hence, by IH and sum of two natural numbers is natural] 17

18 Append ; inputs: x, y are lists ; output: a list whose elements are those of x followed by y (define (append x y) (if (null? x) y (cons (first x) (append (rest x) y))))  Properties 1.(and (list? x) (list? y))  (list? (append x y)) 2.(append null y) = y 3.x  null  (first (append x y)) = (first x) 4.(append x null) = x 5.(length (append x y)) = (+ (length x) (length y)) 6.(append x (append y z)) = (append (append x y) z) 18

19 Proof of Property 2 (append null y)  (if (null? null) y (cons (first x) (append (rest x) y))))  (if #t y (cons (first x) (append (rest x) y))))  y

20 Proof of Property 3  (null? x)  (first (append x y)) = (first x)  (first (append x y))  (first (if (null? x) y (cons (first x) (append (rest x) y))))  (first (if #f y (cons (first x) (append (rest x) y))))  (first (cons (first x) (append (rest x) y)))  (first x)

21 Proof of Property 4  Show (append x null) = x using structural induction  Base case. x = null. In this case, (append null null) returns null = x.  By induction assume recursive call satisfies the property [note (rest x) is smaller than x] I.E. (append (rest x) null) = (rest x)  Thus (append x null) returns (cons (first x) (rest x)) = x

22 Proof of Property 5  Show (length (append x y) = (+ (length x) (length y)) using structural induction on x Base case. x = null. (append null y) = y and (length y) = (+ (length null) (length y)) By induction assume recursive call satisfies the property  (length (append (rest x) y) = (+ (length (rest x)) (length y)) Thus (length (append x y)) = (length (cons (first x) (append (rest x) y)) = (+ 1 (length (rest x)) + (length y)) = (+ (length x) (length y))

23 Proof of Property 6  Show (append x (append y z)) = (append (append x y) z) Base case. x = null. (append null (append y z)) = (append y z) = (append (append null y) z) Assume property holds for (rest x)  (append (append x y) z)  (append (cons (first x) (append (rest x) y)) z) [by def]  (cons (first x) (append (append (rest x) y) z)) [by def]  (cons (first x) (append (rest x) (append y z))) [by IH]  (append (cons (first x) (rest x)) (append y z)) [by def]  (append x (append y z)) [by property of cons]

24 Reverse (define (reverse l) (if (null? l) null (append (reverse (rest l)) (cons (first l) null))))  Properties 1.(list? l)  (list? (reverse l)) 2.(length (reverse x)) = (length x) 3.(reverse (append x y)) = (append (reverse y) (reverse x)) 4.(reverse (reverse x)) = x 24

25 Proof of Property 2  Show (length (rev x)) = (length x) Base case. x = null. (length (rev null))  (length null) Assume property holds for (rest x)  (length (rev x))  (length (append (rev (rest x)) (cons (first x) null))) [def rev]  (length (rev (rest x)) + (length (cons (first x) null)) [prop 5 of app]  (length (rest x)) + (length (cons (first x) null)) [IH]  (length (rest x)) + 1 [evaluation]  (length (cons (first x) (rest x)) [prop 2 of length]  (length x) [axiom for cons]

26 Proof of Property 3  Show (rev (append x y)) = (append (rev y) (rev x))  Base case. x = null. (rev (append null y)) = (rev y) = (append (rev y) null) = (append (rev y) (rev null))  Assume property holds for (rest x)  (rev (append x y))  (rev (cons (first x) (append (rest x) y)) [def apppend]  (append (rev (append (rest x) y)) (cons (first x) null)) [def rev]  (append (append (rev y) (rev (rest x))) (cons (first x) null)) [IH]  (append (rev y) (append (rev (rest x)) (cons (first x) null))) [prop app]  (append (rev y) (rev x)) [def of rev]

27 Proof of Property 4  Show (rev (rev x)) = x  Base case. x = null. (rev (rev null)) = (rev null) = null  Assume property holds for (rest x)  (rev (rev x))  (rev (append (rev (rest x)) (cons (first x) null))) [def rev]  (append (rev (cons (first x) null)) (rev (rev (rest x)))) [property 2 of rev]  (append (cons (first x) null) (rev (rev (rest x)))) [def of rev]  (append (cons (first x) null) (rest x)) [IH]  (cons (first x) (append null (rest x))) [def of app]  (cons (first x) (rest x)) = x [def of app and prop of cons]

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