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WHEN YOU ARE OLD BY WILLIAM BUTLER YEATS When you are old BY William Butler Yeats.

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2 WHEN YOU ARE OLD BY WILLIAM BUTLER YEATS When you are old BY William Butler Yeats


4  when you are old you will think about you were younger. You will thing about the man who loves you when you were younger.  This poem insightfully depicts meaning in the poem which is man loved the pilgrim soul in you And loved the sorrows of your changing face.  When you are old was written by Yeats at 1983. This poem is consecrate to his lover Maud Gonne by Yeats to shown his impassioned love

5 WHEN YOU ARE OLD  This image is a photo of Yeats and his lover Gonne.  Yeats was fall in love with her at first sight, but he felt upset and disappointed because she was so honorable and chaste that he can not be with her. In that case, he did not express his heart even though he loved her so much. When July, 1891, there was some misunderstanding between the letter which she send to him, let he thought she made intimation about love and he came to see her and ask for marry him, however, he was refused. After that, Yeats asked for marry him a few times but all were refused by her. Although, Yeats loves her all the time, therefore, the pain which can not solved was filled Yeats’ life a long time.

6 WHEN YOU ARE OLD  Yeats also uses figurative language to express his point. He uses personification in the line “Murmur, a little sadly, how love fled” where he talks about divorce or the death of his lover.

7 WHEN YOU ARE OLD  “And paced upon the mountains overhead, and hid his face amid a crowd of stars.” This line uses personification to describe the distance of love and with no reality whatever, express Yeats is disconsolate because his love can not come true.

8 WHEN YOU ARE OLD  The references to the “glowing bars” is to most likely to some type of fire grating that is so close to the fire that perhaps it glows a bit red. These bars potentially represent prison bars, suggesting that Maude Gonne is going to entrap herself, worse, given the fiery implication here, the suggestion seems to be she’s going to find herself in a kind of earthly hell of her own making. (from the internet)

9 WHEN YOU ARE OLD  The author of the poem speak his beloved saying that when she is aged and she should read a particular book which will remind her when she was younger. She will remember the people who had loved her grace and her beauty with either real or fake sentiments in the past, and also that one man who had loved her soul unconditionally as she grew old and the way she looked changed. As she is reminded of him, she will regret her missed opportunity of true love

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