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Presenter: Will Marsh “Spotlight on Dyslexia” 1. We Will Cover: Will’s Dyslexia Journey Will’s Advocacy Efforts Spotlight On Dyslexia Q & A 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Presenter: Will Marsh “Spotlight on Dyslexia” 1. We Will Cover: Will’s Dyslexia Journey Will’s Advocacy Efforts Spotlight On Dyslexia Q & A 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presenter: Will Marsh “Spotlight on Dyslexia” 1

2 We Will Cover: Will’s Dyslexia Journey Will’s Advocacy Efforts Spotlight On Dyslexia Q & A 2

3 Before the IEP 3

4 The Beginnings Pre-K Entered the D.I.A.S.Y. program due to speech delay 1 st Grade Noticed signs of difficulties Started tutoring for reading 2 nd Grade Increased signs of difficulties Teacher brushed off the signs as “ Age appropriate difficulties” 3 rd Grade The “game changer” grade 4

5 3 rd Grade Within two weeks of school started Teacher saw the difficulties Met with my mother Both requested for me to be evaluated Before being classified I used a special way to study spelling words 5

6 6

7 3 rd Grade Within two weeks of school started Teacher saw the difficulties Met with my mother Both requested for me to be evaluated Before being classified I used a special way to study spelling words Evaluated with classification of Specific Learning Disability - Written Expression Central Auditory Processing Disorder 7

8 After the IEP 8

9 3 rd Grade (cont.) In January 2005, I took a review spelling test I was lowest and only student to get a 40 Went into the resource and speech program by February 2005 Started using assistive technology FM System Willie’s Dictionary 9

10 4 th and 5 th Grade 4 th Grade Entered the Scottish Rite Children’s Dyslexia Center Part of the first pilot group tutoring setting Participated in the annual Dyslexia Walk 5 th Grade 2 nd year in Scottish Rite Children’s Dyslexia Center Went into one on one tutoring setting Participated in the annual Dyslexia Walk Began to prepare for Middle School Looked into other options Started using the Alphasmart 10

11 6 th Grade The “horrible year” Had a rough adjustment to Middle School By the middle of October 2007, I had it with a class I sent my mom an email at work 11

12 The Email “Hi mom. I hate school. I hate tests. I hate homework. My homework and school work is very hard to me. My brain does not want to think. My brain is going down the tube. I need a break fro school. Love, Willie” 12

13 6 th Grade (cont.) My parents met with my case manager and teachers My parents gave them all a list of strengths and weaknesses Started looking for other schooling options Started counseling which lasted a year Entered into a special education class Brought in an educational advocate Last year in the tutoring program Was reevaluated Classified as Auditory Impairment- Hearing Impaired 13

14 7 th through 10 th Grade 7 th grade Helped organized that year’s dyslexia walk 8 th Grade Started the search for a high school 9 th Grade Started at Union Catholic High School Joined the Performing Arts Company 10 th Grade Joined Forensics 14

15 11 th Grade to Now The “Advocate Year” Began planning “Spotlight on Dyslexia” Testified for the definition of Dyslexia Met with NJ Congressmen on Dyslexia Finalist for IDA’s Remy Johnston Award Attended/ involved with over 20 dyslexia events Honored by the City of Rahway and the State of NJ Was a summer intern with Learning Ally 15

16 What is Spotlight on Dyslexia? A half-day conference on October 5, 2013 Its purpose: Bring awareness Educate the public Provide resources It had three parts Keynote presentation Multiple breakout sessions Resource fair Attended by over 240 people Majority parents and educators along with students 16

17 Spotlight on Dyslexia Idea was in early October 2012 Initially, just a screening of “The Big Picture: Rethinking Dyslexia” with discussion afterwards It then evolved into the half day conference Once realize that we haven’t gotten much further in the past 10 years, wanted to shorten it Met with my 3 rd grade teacher about the idea Then met with the UC Administration in November They were right behind me Then met with Judy Shapiro With Judy we were able to get a starting point 17

18 Spotlight on Dyslexia (cont.) In December, contacted Emerson Dickman Emerson is a sp. ed. attorney in Maywood, NJ He was also a past president of the IDA Also contacted Decoding Dyslexia-NJ Started in October 2011 by 8 NJ parents Today Decoding Dyslexia has 45 states involved Searched for grants Found Learning Disabilities Foundation of America’s grant 18

19 Spotlight on Dyslexia (cont.) Met DD-NJ in January Attended Learning Ally’s showing of “The Big Picture: Rethinking Dyslexia” Began the grant writing process Met with Emerson Dickman in February Agreed that he would be our keynote speaker Started to plan the Union County Roundtable Emerson agreed to be our keynote speaker for the roundtable as well Attended the Westfield Sp. Ed. Expo in March 19

20 Spotlight on Dyslexia (cont.) The Union County Roundtable was held in April Over 20 in attendance Secure grant funding and private donations in May $1800 Budget Began securing speakers All the speakers spoke for free Began securing sponsors Union Catholic Decoding Dyslexia NJ Learning Ally Scottish Rite Children’s Dyslexia Center (Scotch Plains) Learning Disabilities Foundation of America 20

21 Spotlight on Dyslexia (cont.) Started to plan logistics in June Released information to the public in July Invitations went out Started to advertise in August/ September Final logistics planned in September Last minute planning in the first week of October 21

22 Future Currently studying History and Secondary Education at Saint Joseph’s University in Philadelphia Planning to continue for a 5 th year to get a master’s in Special Education SJU’s Masters program is one of 17 programs in the nation that is recognized by IDA Be a high school teacher in a dyslexia school setting 22

23 Thank You! Contact info Email Phone 908-913-0424 Website 23

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