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 Consuela Hubbard  EDU650: Teaching Learning and Leading in the 21st Century (MRA1346B)  Jackie Kyger  November 11, 2013.

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2  Consuela Hubbard  EDU650: Teaching Learning and Leading in the 21st Century (MRA1346B)  Jackie Kyger  November 11, 2013



5  I have worked for the School District for 12 years. I started out as a school bus driver for the district and started working part-time as security for lunch help. A year later I started working security for the school district six years later, I was working in the clinic in the high school, and I was given an office to help with teen mothers. Working with teen mothers was a joy and hard work. Teaching them life skills, making doctor’s appointments, making sure they keep their appointments, return paperwork that has been given to them.

6  My parents sent me to catholic school from kindergarten to fifth grade. Because my work was not getting done in catholic school my parents decided to send me to public school. They told me that I will not go to school and warm a seat I will do work and I will do it at public school. That was the truth from 6-8 grade I went to public school. Ms. Jefferson was my six grade teacher; she had an impact on me. She knew I was capable of doing the work and she made sure it would get done. There was no recess if my work was not complete and I had to stay after school if I was not done with my work or I had to make correction and turn them in.

7  She was very strict with me, I do not know what my parents set up with her but she gave me no breaks. I returned back to catholic school in grades 9-11. My friends went to public school and that is where I wanted to go to is public school. My parents let me go back to public school, and I stayed on the honor roll until I graduated high school. I was told that December was my last month in high school. I finished early and worked for the Federal Building. I had a full ride to college, but I was too afraid to go.

8  Having a Master’s degree will help me with my future as a social worker, a position as a school psychologist and a behavior specialist. My goal is to work with adolescence with substance abuse. I have noticed over the years that there is a major problem with adolescence on drugs. Working in the school clinic and being campus security you see and hear a lot. Many parents have down played this problem with their children, but it is a major problem. For the last two or three years a program was brought in the school to show students the outcome of being on drugs. Parents were upset about the program and students were also but the reality is it exists.

9  I Coach Girls Weightlifting and Girls Basketball at the school that I work at I hope my job change will not affect me coaching there next year. Once a month I work with the College Reach Out Program to help students understand how to get to college and what they need to do to stay in college, these students will remain in the program for 4 years of high school once they reach college we continue to help them if needed.

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