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Chapter 10.  Upon completion of this chapter, you should be able to:  Understand.

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1 Chapter 10

2  Upon completion of this chapter, you should be able to:  Understand

3 10.1

4  IEEE 802.11 wireless standards  2.4GHz & 5GHz  Moving away from 2.4GHz  Congested with other devices  Most channels overlap, causing interruption 1, 6, 11 DO NOT OVERLAP

5  STA  Device w/ wireless card installed  Infrastructure wireless network  Devices use a Wireless Access Point (WAP or AP) to handle communication  Star topology  Ad hoc wireless network  Intermediate Basic Service Set (IBSS)  Devices communicate directly with each other; peer to peer  No Access Point is used  Mesh topology

6  BSS (Basic Service Set)  Devices that talk to an AP on the same channel  ESS (Extended Service Set)  BSS’ that connect together  Each AP on a separate channel  AP’s connect together

7  Backhaul  Link between AP & wired network  Allows AP to talk to wired network  Allows AP to talk to other wireless clients in another BSS  SSID (Service Set Identifier)  Name of the wireless network

8  Ethernet uses CSMA/CD to talk on the wired network  Takes turns talking, detects collisions, backoff  Wireless uses CSMA/CA  Carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance  STA listens for wireless signals; busy=wait  STA sends a RTS (Request to Send) message to AP  CTS (Clear to Send) comes back from AP All other communications backoff for milliseconds  Message sent to destination


10  TestOut 10.1.4- Fact Sheet  TestOut 10.1.5- Practice Questions (5)


12 10.2

13  Many devices use wireless  Cordless Phones 2.4GHz Interference  Microwave Ovens Interference  Range  Solid Walls a problem  Not as fast as, or reliable as, wired  Security  Wireless is east to access & can be intercepted Authentication & Encryption now used

14  Specifies data speed, range, RF spectrum  IEEE standards, Wi-Fi  802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11n, 802.11ac  Wi-Fi Alliance tests devices from manufacturer  Will work with other devices w/ same logo

15  1999  2.4GHz  11Mbps  150ft range indoors  300 ft range outdoors

16  1999  5GHz  Unused at that time  Less congestion  54Mbps (faster than B)  NOT compatible with b/g/n  150ft range  Originally too expensive

17  2003  2.4GHz  54Mbps  150ft range indoors  300 ft range outdoors  Compatible with 802.11b

18  2.4Ghz  600Mbps  Up to 12000ft range  Backwards compatible b/g

19  5GHz (for faster speeds) & 2.4GHz  Up to 1.3Gbps  150ft range  Backwards compatible with b/g/n

20 Standard Maximum Speed Frequency Backwards compatible 802.11a 802.11b 802.11g 802.11n 802.11ac

21 Standard Maximum Speed Frequency Backwards compatible 802.11a 54 Mbps5 GHzNo 802.11b 11 Mbps2.4 GHzNo 802.11g 54 Mbps2.4 GHz802.11b 802.11n 600 Mbps2.4 GHz or 5 GHz802.11b/g 802.11ac 1.3 Gbps (1300 Mbps) 2.4 GHz and 5.5 GHz802.11b/g/n

22  You’d like to add wireless with speeds up to 1.3Gbps. Which spec should you buy?  802.11ac  What is the max speed of G?  54Mbps  What connects wireless devices to a wired network?  AP  What wireless spec is not compatible with others?  802.11a

23  What could interfere with a wireless signal?  Cordless phones, microwaves, solid walls  802.11b, g, and n all operate on what frequency?  2.4GHz  802.11 n & ac operate on what frequency?  5GHz  Which 3 channels are non-overlapping on 2.4GHz?  1, 6, 11

24  Channel is a frequency  b/g has 11 channels to use  Channels overlap  1, 6, 11 are separate  Multiple APs are used  Use separate channels since they overlap so they don’t interfere with each other

25  23 non-overlapping channels  It’s much easier to keep same-channel cells from touching

26  Adds transmit & receive antennas/radios to the AP

27  Allows antennae to divide streams to multiple devices

28  Personal Area Network (PAN)  802.15  2.4GHz  Short range (up to 100m)  Bluetooth 3.0 & 4.0  Use link to connect  Use WiFi for data transfer, up to 24mbps

29  TestOut 10.2.4- Configuring Bluetooth Connections Video  TestOut 10.2.5- Fact Sheet Review  TestOut 10.2.6- Practice Questions (13)

30 10.3

31  Connect  Plug into switch, go to browser, enter IP  Press WPS buttons on both devices (stay close)  Change password  SSID & disable broadcast  Network Mode (a/b/g/n/ac/mixed)  Security/encryption  Channel width  20 or 40 MHz or Auto  Channels  Set for both 2.4 & 5 GHz

32  Use Chrome

33  Service Set Identifier  Name of wireless network  Case-sensitive & up to 32 characters  All of your devices MUST have same SSID  Should disable the Broadcast of SSID  Change Router/AP password from default


35  You can change the hostname & IP from default  People know or can lookup the default IP for the config and could change the settings!


37  Choose your type of wireless  If all use N, select N  Mixed clients? Choose Mixed  Mixed- more overhead; slower performance  Channel width  At home, leave on Auto  Channel  With only 1 AP, leave at Auto  Change if getting interference/drops

38  Clients authenticate to AP 1 st before communication  Pre-Shared Key (PSK)  Choose a passphrase  Enterprise  Set up a RADIUS server

39  How data is encrypted when sent between client and AP  None- BAD CHOICE!  WEP  WEAKEST with only 64-128 bits  WPA Personal (WPA-PSK)  WPA Enterprise  Requires RADIUS server  WPA2 Personal (WPA2-PSK)  Max 256 bits  WPA2 Enterprise  Requires RADIUS server


41  Use your device’s MAC address to limit connectivity to your KNOWN devices  You pre-configure the MACs in the AP  The AP will check its list  Only those in list will connect


43  Typo on the MAC address  New devices can’t enter network without adding Mac to the AP configuration  MAC address cloning  Sniff network traffic (MAC address in packet)  Find MAC addresses on that network  Change your MAC address to match one on the target network.



46 Use all of the following to secure your wireless network: 1. Change the router IP address 2. Change the router password from the default 3. Change the SSID & disable the broadcast 4. Use MAC Address Filtering 5. Authentication (PSK) 6. Encryption (WPA2)



49  TestOut 10.3.4- Create a Home Wireless Network LAB  TestOut 10.3.5- Secure a Home Wireless Network LAB  TestOut 10.3.6- Configure Wireless Profiles LAB  TestOut 10.3.7- Practice Questions (4)

50 10.4

51  Gather requirements  Identify expectations  Identify design considerations  Conduct mapping  Perform bandwidth planning  Conduct site survey  TestOut 10.4.1- Wireless Network Design Video  PLEASE pay attention to it

52  Regular or high gain  Measured in decibels (12dB or more for high gain)  Omnidirectional antenna  360 degree signal  Used in Access Points  Directional antenna  Concentrate signal in one direction for better distance  Connects networks 25 miles or more apart

53  Used to bridge wireless networks  Example: GCIT to BBE wirelessly  Yagi antenna

54  TestOut 10.4.4- Conducting a Wireless Survey Video  TestOut 10.4.6- Design an Indoor Wireless Network LAB  TestOut 10.4.7- Design an Outdoor Wireless Network LAB  TestOut 10.4.8- Practice Questions (9)

55 10.5

56  Use a wireless controller and LWAP  Controller connects to AP by wire  Controller connects to wired network too  Controller acts as a router to wired network  Sends config to LWAP

57  Distributed wireless mesh  Still uses controller  APs are smart enough to talk to each other too

58  TestOut 10.5.4- Implement an Enterprise Wireless Network LAB  TestOut 10.5.5- Practice Questions (4)  TestOut 10.6.2- Wireless Security Video  Only review from Encryption down

59 10.6

60  Unauthorized AP on a network  Employee or person adds their own AP on a free port  Can be used just for  Getting wireless access  Pharming- people connect & enter credentials on a fake website; attacker steals credentials

61  Rogue AP set up with same SSID as legit AP but with stronger signal  People connect to it  Attacker can sniff, phish, capture data

62  Driving & looking for unsecure or weak (WEP) network to gain access to it or mark on a map

63  Drive & find open networks  Mark with chalk on sidewalk or building to tell others it’s an open network

64  Snorting or snarfing  Attacker sets WiFi card to Monitor Mode to listen to packets over the radio waves

65  Jamming a wireless signal so others can’t use it

66  TestOut 10.6.6- Secure an Enterprise Wireless Network LAB  TestOut 10.6.7- Practice Questions (15)

67 10.7

68  What are some things you should check?

69  Wireless adapter turned on? ***COMMON***  Correct SSID?  Matching security settings?  Correct passphrase?  Correct wireless standard?  Too far from AP?  Solid walls between you and the AP?  Interference from EMI, RFI, cordless phones, microwave ovens?  Correct antenna & placement?

70  TestOut 10.7.6- Exploring Wireless Network Problems LAB  TestOut 10.7.7- Troubleshoot Wireless Network Problems 1  TestOut 10.7.8- Troubleshoot Wireless Network Problems 2  TestOut 10.7.9- Practice Questions (15)

71  Complete the study guide handout  Complete TestOut  Practice in Packet Tracer  Jeopardy review

72 Chapter 10

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