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Welcome to Unity Center’s Saturday School Program Open House October 18, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Unity Center’s Saturday School Program Open House October 18, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Unity Center’s Saturday School Program Open House October 18, 2014

2 In the name of Allah, the most beneficent, the merciful Mission Statement We are committed to helping our youth seek knowledge, embody Prophetic character, strengthen Iman and build relationships to love and serve Allah (swt).

3 Program Overview Muslim Unity Center’s Saturday School Program is designed for students in grades 6-12. This program will offer your child a comprehensive Islamic Education in just one day per week. Students will experience an engaging and nurturing learning environment where learning about Islam is exciting and being a Muslim offers a sense of pride. All of our teachers are highly qualified and committed to excellence

4 Teachers Imam Al-Masmari—Islamic Studies Class (focus on thematic unit along with meaning connections, student discussions and reflections) Sheikh Ali—Quranic Arabic Studies Class (focus on Quranic Arabic Grammar and Linguistics) Sheikh Ahmed—Quranic Studies Class (focus on tajweed and tilawah)

5 Program Goals Faith Knowledge Unity Action

6 Curriculum Students will be exposed to three thematically integrated units in Aqeedah, Mua’ammalat and Iman wa Amal. The curriculum is spiraled to allow integration of the concepts and make learning more interactive. Students will spend 12 sessions on each of the units with opportunities to reflect and make connections to daily life.

7 Schedule Time 10:30a.m.-2:00p.m. Schedule: 10:30a.m. Assembly 10:45a.m. Period 1 11:35a.m. Period 2 12:25p.m. Period 3 1:15p.m. Lunch 1:40p.m. Prayer and Dhikr 2:00p.m. Dismissal

8 Admissions Procedures 1. Program is for students in grades 6-12. 2. Complete the Saturday School Application and pay the tuition of $550 prior to starting class. 3. Parents are responsible for providing the Saturday School Administrator with Emergency Contact Information along with any health related details such medication plans, allergies or other pertinent information.

9 Student Code of Conduct Respect Responsibility Safety

10 Expectations Rest and Breakfast Dress for the Masjid (girls should have loose fitting clothing with hijab) Arrive on time. Arrival begins at 10:15a.m. Students must be present by 10:30a.m. Be prepared for classes. Respect teachers, rules and procedures. Be safe. Students should be under supervised areas at all times. No food or drinks besides water is allowed.

11 Parent Pledge By enrolling your child in our program, you make a commitment to: Respect for school’s policies and procedures in all regards of the school’s operations. Responsibility for financial obligations, children’s behavior and children’s commitment to the program goals.

12 Questions? Please take the next few minutes to meet with the teachers. Thank you for joining us!


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