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1 Guidance on Renewable Energy in Federal Facilities under EO 13423 and EPACT 05 June 5, 2007 Anne Sprunt Crawley Federal Energy Management Program Energy.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Guidance on Renewable Energy in Federal Facilities under EO 13423 and EPACT 05 June 5, 2007 Anne Sprunt Crawley Federal Energy Management Program Energy."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Guidance on Renewable Energy in Federal Facilities under EO 13423 and EPACT 05 June 5, 2007 Anne Sprunt Crawley Federal Energy Management Program Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy US Department of Energy

2 Renewable Energy for Federal Agencies Renewable Energy: Why do we care? Renewable Energy Meet Federal renewable energy goals Get stable prices for your energy supply Provide environmental benefits such as reduced greenhouse gases and air pollution Conserve natural resources Increase the nation’s energy security Provide energy security for agency facilities

3 Renewable Energy Major Resources

4 EO 13423 – Renewable Energy Key Renewable Energy Requirements Statutory renewable energy goals under EPACT 2005 Section 203 are: 3% of electric energy by 2007 5% of electric energy by 2010 7.5% of electric energy by 2013 Under EO 13423: At least half of the statutorily required renewable energy consumed comes from new renewable sources New means renewable sources placed into service after January 1, 1999

5 Renewable Energy Basics Resources Biomass Geothermal Wind Solar Incremental Hydropower Ocean Thermal

6 EPACT 2005 – Section 203 Renewable Energy Resources Biomass – Summarized – Biomass is lignin waste segregated and non-hazardous or solid non- hazardous cellulosic material derived from forest resources, wood waste, agricultural waste, or plants grown exclusively as electric fuel. (Revised per EPACT ) Geothermal Solar Wind Landfill Gas- New as separate category Municipal Solid Waste – New as separate category Ocean - New Incremental Hydropower - New Note – This definition is different than others: – EPA Green Power Partnership – Green E – – Executive Order 13123 – Differences for Federal agencies. Definitions:

7 Renewable Technologies for Projects Solar hot water Low-energy design in buildings Photovoltaics Wind Biomass Geothermal energy

8 EO 13423 – Renewable Energy Key Renewable Energy Objectives Statutory renewable energy goals under EPACT 2005 Section 203 are: 3% of electric energy by 2007 5% of electric energy by 2010 7.5% of electric energy by 2013 Under EO 13423: At least half of the statutorily required renewable energy consumed comes from new renewable sources New means renewable sources placed into service after January 1, 1999

9 DOE-FEMP will issue Guidance soon on –Renewable energy goal and use of Renewable Energy Credits –Use of and investment in renewable energy generation Funding – –Bundle long and short term payback projects –Include renewable projects –Each proposal shall consider Renewable Energy Renewable Items in EO Instructions

10 Distributed Generation- –Agencies shall implement life cycle cost-effective distributed generation including renewables Solar electric, solar lighting, geothermal (including ground coupled), small wind. –Agencies are encouraged to use distributed generation where it enhances energy reliability or security Renewable Items in EO Instructions

11 Federal Facilities: Renewable Energy Goal Progress Renewable energy use has leveled off since last year 0% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 2000200120022003200420052006 %age of Facility Electricity Use On-Site GenerationRE Purchases Goal for 2005, 2006 2.5% Goal for 2007- 2009 3.0% Goal for 2010- 2012 5.0% Goal for 2013 forward 7.5% 0.15%0.26% 0.53% 1.60% 2.78% 6.93% 6.90% Green Power, Biomass Purchases REC Purchases

12 Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPACT 2005) Section 203 (a) Requirement - The President, acting through the Secretary, shall seek to ensure that, to the extent economically feasible and technically practicable, of the total amount of electric energy the Federal Government consumes during any fiscal year, the following amounts shall be renewable energy: (1) Not less than 3% in FY07-09 (2) Not less than 5% in FY10-FY12 (3) Not less than 7.5% in FY13 & each fiscal year thereafter. Renewable energy amount shall be doubled if: Renewable energy is produced at a Federal facility, on Federal lands or on Native American lands and used at a Federal facility.

13 Recent Policy Issues Markets for Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) are developing and changing quickly. Important to count RECs only once to avoid double counting: – So RECs can’t count toward State RPS and Federal goal. – Challenge to balance consistent RECs and most advantageous financial benefits. Definitions of New Vary – Important to support new Renewable Energy Projects where possible.

14 Federal Facilities Recommendations Strategies Agencies Can Use to Meet the Goals Develop more on-site (including Federal lands) generation from renewables (counts twice toward goal) Increase the amount of long-term renewable energy purchase contracts What FEMP Can and Will Do to Assist: Provide purchase support for long term renewable energy purchases Provide planning, development and implementation support for renewable elements in ESPC and UESC projects Provide technical support for renewables projects deploying advanced technologies

15 Agency Strategies Agency or Regional level – Different for different folks – Assess where you are Current RE use Geographic location of large facilities –Economies of scale –Economics vary by location: »Renewable resource »State incentives, tax credits, markets Specific facility level – What is most easily available to you where you are

16 Strategies Agency level - It Depends – A few large on-site projects – Possible use of state benefits Target specific states – Purchases Competitive in deregulated states Specific facility level – What is available to you where you are – On site counts twice

17 DOE/FEMP Support Technical Assistance Ad Hoc Assistance – Financing Options ESPCs and UESCs –State Efficiency/Renewable Funds –Workshops/Training Sessions at GovEnergy – August 5-8 2007 New Orleans LA – Literature/Case Studies Project Case Studies and FEMP Focus articles Guide To Purchasing Green Power – Web Information –renewable_energy.cfm

18 Anne Crawley –202-586-1505, FEMP Web Site - Renewables – nergy/ FEMP Focus newsletter – fempfocus.cfm Choose Winter 2007 Information and Contacts

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