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Case1: Exchange Rate Projections. Casullo Financial Services (CFS). Zhen Qi.

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Presentation on theme: "Case1: Exchange Rate Projections. Casullo Financial Services (CFS). Zhen Qi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Case1: Exchange Rate Projections. Casullo Financial Services (CFS). Zhen Qi

2 Outline  Purpose of this Case  Models used for this Case Study  Test the forecasting skills of the models for USD to GBP, JPY, MXN, and KOW  Out-of-sample forecasts of the Models for USD to GBP, JPY, MXN, and KOW  Select the "best" model  Project the exchange rate for the GBP and JPY through 2012:2 using the best Model

3 Purpose of this Case  Select the "best" model among (A) Forward exchange rates. (B) Ad-hoc economic models. (c) PPP. (D) Monetary approach.  Forecasting Exchange rate for USD to GBP, JPY, MXN, and KOW (Korean Won) for the time period 2011:3~2012:2

4 Models used for Case Study 1. Forward exchange rates, Linear IRP approximation: F t,T  S t [1 + (i d - i f ) x T/360], 2. Ad-hoc economic model S d/f,t = a 0 + a 1 (I d – I f ) t + a 2 (y d – y f ) t + ε t 3. Relative PPP simplified Model s t,T  e f,T PPP  I d – I f 4. Monetary approach s t,T = y f,T - y d,T + m Sd,T - m Sf,T

5 Test the forecasting skills  The forecasting skills of these 4 models were tested based on the information available at the end of 2010:2.  The in-sample performance of the models were evaluated by evaluating the signs, the t-statistics, and the R-squared coefficients.  The above tasked were tested using the data available for the USD/GBP, USD/JPY, USD/MXN, and USD/KOW


7 USD/GBP: linear IRP approximation

8 USD/GBP: Ad-hoc economic models

9 USD/GBP: Relative PPP

10 USD/GBP: Monetary approach

11 Out-of-sample forecasts  Quarterly out-of-sample forecasts for USD/GBP during 2010:III–2011:II  Check the quality of the forecasts by examining the Mean-squared error (MSE)

12 IRP & ad-hoc

13 Relative PPP & Monetary Approach

14 RWM

15 Performance Comparison


17 USD/JPY: linear IRP approximation

18 USD/JPY: Ad-hoc economic models

19 USD/JPY: Relative PPP

20 USD/JPY: Monetary approach

21 Out-of-sample forecasts  Quarterly out-of-sample forecasts for USD/JYP during 2010:III–2011:II  Check the quality of the forecasts by examining the Mean-squared error (MSE)

22 IRP & ad-hoc

23 Relative PPP & Monetary Approach

24 RWM

25 Performance Comparison


27 USD/KOW: linear IRP approximation

28 USD/KOW: Ad-hoc economic models

29 USD/KOW: Relative PPP

30 USD/KOW: Monetary approach

31 Out-of-sample forecasts  Quarterly out-of-sample forecasts for USD/KOW during 2010:III–2011:II  Check the quality of the forecasts by examining the Mean-squared error (MSE)

32 IRP & ad-hoc

33 Relative PPP & Monetary Approach

34 RWM

35 Performance Comparison


37 USD/MXN: linear IRP approximation

38 USD/MXN: Ad-hoc economic models

39 USD/MXN: Relative PPP

40 USD/MXN: Monetary approach

41 Out-of-sample forecasts  Quarterly out-of-sample forecasts for USD/MXN during 2010:III–2011:II –i.e.,  Check the quality of the forecasts by examining the Mean-squared error (MSE)

42 IRP & ad-hoc

43 Relative PPP & Monetary Approach

44 RWM

45 Performance Comparison

46 Select the "best" model

47 Project the exchange rate for the GBP and JPY through 2012:2 using IRP

48 END

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