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GIF++ implementation Adrian Fabich, Sylvain Girod, Dorothea Pfeiffer, EN-MEF-LE GIF++ 3rd users’ meeting, 11th July 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "GIF++ implementation Adrian Fabich, Sylvain Girod, Dorothea Pfeiffer, EN-MEF-LE GIF++ 3rd users’ meeting, 11th July 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 GIF++ implementation Adrian Fabich, Sylvain Girod, Dorothea Pfeiffer, EN-MEF-LE GIF++ 3rd users’ meeting, 11th July 2013

2 Contents 2 Gamma Irradiation Facility GIF++  Users’ requirements  Layout  Technical infrastructure  Operation  Radiation protection  Safety 11/07/2013A. Fabich, EN-MEF-LE

3 Requirements for Physics 3 Purpose:  Verifying detector performance in strong gamma background  Investigating detector ageing Main requirements  Strong photon field (background) from a source  Increased demands also in view of LHC upgrades  Secondary beam (signal): primarily muons, low intensity  Infrastructure adequate for gaseous detectors  Irradiation area ~100 m2  Operated in autonomous mode  users not permanently present Requirements summarized in 11/07/2013A. Fabich, EN-MEF-LE

4 The present GIF in the West Area 4  Present GIF installed in former West Area  Since 2004 secondary (muon) beam de-commissioned  Since then only of limited use for physics  Limited photon yield (137Cs, 650 GBq installed in `90s)  Limited space for increasing number of users  GIF will be decommissioned with the new GIF++ being operational. 11/07/2013A. Fabich, EN-MEF-LE West Area

5 Users’ requirements 511/07/2013A. Fabich, EN-MEF-LE

6 PH responsibilities 6  Defining users’ requirements  Irradiator procurement On-going:  Equipment in the gas (mixing) zone  analysers, mixers … + ATEX conformity  Construction of permanent  -detectors  Slow control of irradiator, gas equipment, logging  DAQ system USING THE FACILITY 11/07/2013A. Fabich, EN-MEF-LE

7 H6 beam line H2 beam line H4 beam line H8 beam line GIF++ GIF++ location in EHN1 (North Area) 711/07/2013A. Fabich, EN-MEF-LE West Area EHN 1

8 811/07/2013A. Fabich, EN-MEF-LE Maintain possibility for H2 extension Maintain minimum 2m wide corridor (central) EHN1 – PPE154

9 GIF++ layout (1) 911/07/2013A. Fabich, EN-MEF-LE dump secondary beam PPE (entrance) MAD PPG PPX (only emergency) dump gas mixing zone Preparation zone cable trays to control room Irradiation area

10 GIF++ layout (2) 1011/07/2013A. Fabich, EN-MEF-LE secondary beam  -field 2  -field 1 shielding preparation zone gas mixing zone shielding ±37° cut view at 2m height PPE PPG PPX

11 View from Saleve 11/07/2013A. Fabich, EN-MEF-LE11

12 View from Jura 11/07/2013A. Fabich, EN-MEF-LE12

13 Large material access 11/07/2013A. Fabich, EN-MEF-LE13

14 Iraddiation field (1) 11/07/2013A. Fabich, EN-MEF-LE14

15 Iraddiation field (2) 11/07/2013A. Fabich, EN-MEF-LE15

16 Your own 3D view  Download 3DVia at the following address: composer/resource-center  Open the EDMS document: 11/07/2013A. Fabich, EN-MEF-LE16

17 Secondary muon beam 17 From T2 target 99% of beam are within 10 cm x 10 cm, remainder spread over 1 m 2  Main user mode: couple of periods per year with each about two weeks duration  Parasitic mode with muons: as much as possible (based on experience from previous years, one can expect parasitic muon beams for about 30-50% of the beam time, equivalent to about 2-4 months/year).  Few periods per year of approximately two weeks duration in which a beam pipe is installed within the facility and electron beam is taken by CMS ECAL downstream from GIF++ 11/07/2013A. Fabich, EN-MEF-LE

18 General infrastructure 18  Electricity: 50 kW  light (+emergency)  Ethernet  cabling, cable trays  demineralised water  NO cryogenics  Beam equipment  Beam instrumentation  Gases  Neutral and mixtures (containing flammable gases)  15 gas supplies from the gas hut (build. 909)  10 patch panels in bunker/preparation zone  Each for 4 neutral and 4 hazardous gases  Cooling and ventilation  Optional  Supply lines should mainly be installed in the raised floor. 11/07/2013A. Fabich, EN-MEF-LE Measurements: autumn 2012 – spring 2013 (courtesy: R. Guida)

19 Source Ground - Trigger Cable Trays False Floor: permanent supplies 1911/07/2013A. Fabich, EN-MEF-LE Dennis Haasler Same concept in preparation area 40 cm free height Reducing the source height to 2 meter

20 11/07/2013A. Fabich, EN-MEF-LE20

21 11/07/2013A. Fabich, EN-MEF-LE21 3000 mm

22 GIF++ control room  HNA 487 is the best choice with regard to accessibility of the GIF++ facility 11/07/2013A. Fabich, EN-MEF-LE22 GIF++

23 Personnel and Material Access  PPG, Roof: If opened, patrol lost  PPE & Turnstile: Access rights of people checked, key released and people counted  PPE2: Key that was taken at turnstile has to be used in key access mode (patrol not lost)  MAD: access for material up to PC size 11/07/201323A. Fabich, EN-MEF-LE Personal Protection Exit Personal Protection Gate Personal Protection Entry PPE & Turnstile Pre Zone Small material access

24 Cables irradiator – using PPE and gallery 11/07/2013 94 m Irradiator HNA 487 Cable tray height 2.5 m Roof height 4.8 m Under floor height 0 m A. Fabich, EN-MEF-LE24 D. Pfeiffer

25 Cable routing – shortest to control room 11/07/2013 ca. 75 m HNA 487 Cable tray height 2.5 m Roof height 4.8 m Under floor height 0 m A. Fabich, EN-MEF-LE25 D. Pfeiffer

26 Cable routing for cosmic trigger 26 11/07/2013 ca. 24 m Cable tray height 2.5 m Roof height 4.8 m Under floor height 0 m ca. 8 m A. Fabich, EN-MEF-LE D. Pfeiffer

27 Temperature/humidity 27  Users’ requirements: 20-24 °C, humidity 30-50%.  Optional: small ventilation unit  Not required for safety aspects 11/07/2013A. Fabich, EN-MEF-LE Measurements: autumn 2012 – spring 2013 (courtesy: R. Guida)

28 Photon yields to muon detectors 2811/07/2013A. Fabich, EN-MEF-LE roof chamber Average flux 1.0 e5 s^-1 cm^ -2 floor chamber Average flux 1.2 e3 s^-1 cm^ -2 Downstream beam trigger: average flux 1.8 e4 s^-1 cm^ -2 Upstream beam trigger: average flux 5.9 e4 s^-1 cm^ -2 fine tracker Average flux 5.1 e5 s^-1 cm^ -2 D. Pfeiffer

29 Trapezoid shaped collimator yz 2911/07/2013A. Fabich, EN-MEF-LE Point source Cylindrical source No difference between point and cylindrical source D. Pfeiffer

30 Safety responsibility for implementation 30 with SBA (together with CERN expert groups)  Radiation shielding  Flammable gas detection and ODH (in bunker)  Fire detection  Access system/personnel protection  Interlock(s), also with irradiator  Gas zone: ATEX conform (PH) 11/07/2013A. Fabich, EN-MEF-LE

31 GIF++ irradiation zone 31 The irradiation zone hosting the irradiator  is a controlled area (PPE154).  inside a supervised area (EHN1).  No risk of activation due to low intensities of secondary beam  Presence of high intensity photon source requires additional precautions due to the prompt radiation levels:  Extended shielding  Access system  Entrance chicanes 11/07/2013A. Fabich, EN-MEF-LE

32 Risk analysis 32  Carried out with general safety, radiation protection, equipment owners and access system.  Radiation simulation for conceptual layout available  Defines required shielding  Full scale radiation simulation by end summer 2013  Needs for maintenance  Regular inspection of irradiator system by CERN-RP and vendor  Operations  Access  Controls  Standard procedure(s) of EHN1 apply. No additional implications by the presence of the photon source.  Incidents  Additional hazards  Gases (non and flammable)  Electricity  Heavy handling  Civil engineering (concrete walls up to 6.5 m high)  Safety file is in preparation. 11/07/2013A. Fabich, EN-MEF-LE

33 Radiation levels 33  Keeping lateral exterior limit well below 3  Sv/h  At least 80 cm concrete  Accordingly adapted chicanes  Roof (no stay area) shielding adjusted for < 15  Sv/h  Final design based on these conceptual shielding studies 11/07/2013A. Fabich, EN-MEF-LE horizontal cut at source height ( 2m) 160 cm

34 Radiation shielding 34  Shielding blocks  Double layer closing the block joints  Roof gaps closed with dedicated iron beams  Chicanes for entrances 11/07/2013A. Fabich, EN-MEF-LE  -field 2  -field 1 Vertical cut view Top cut view 160 cm max. 3  Sv/h max. 15  Sv/h max. 3  Sv/h

35 Radiation protection 35  RP monitoring  Inside the irradiation area  Monitoring of the source operation  Dedicated RP monitoring  2 redundant ionization chambers connected to RAMSES  Veto to the source operation  In the surrounding EHN1 area  Monitoring by existing beam monitoring (EHN1 standard) Access system  EHN1 standard  Access safety elements compliant with SIL3  Single Access System (SAS) for counting persons in the area. 11/07/2013A. Fabich, EN-MEF-LE

36 Operational controls 36  Users’ interface: CESAR  For personnel access and beam control Standard HW/SW integration into SBA controls environment  Access controls  Beam controls  Safety elements  Irradiator provided with its own console. Only link to SBA controls via veto line and status logging. 11/07/2013A. Fabich, EN-MEF-LE

37 Safety conditions for active irradiator 37  Exclude direct exposure to  -source  Source out of parking position only possible if  GIF++ access chain is CLOSED  AND (protecting in upstream zone)  Upstream beam dump is IN-BEAM  OR  PPE144 is CLOSED (no access)  AND (protecting in downstream zone)  Downstream beam dump is IN-BEAM  OR  PPE164 is CLOSED (no access)  AND (no alarms)  No fire  No power failure  No emergency stop button  Irradiator controls included in industrial delivery.  Veto from CERN safety chain will force source into parking position. 11/07/2013A. Fabich, EN-MEF-LE upstream dump downstream dump

38 Next steps 38  Safety file to be completed until August 2013  Risk analysis  Full scale radiation simulation based on final layout  Construction starts in September 2013  Commissioning with beam in autumn 2014  Expecting irradiator delivery in September 2014 11/07/2013A. Fabich, EN-MEF-LE

39 Spare slides 39  SPARE SLIDES 11/07/2013A. Fabich, EN-MEF-LE

40 11/07/2013A. Fabich, EN-MEF-LE40

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