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WARM UP: IF YOU BUILD IT QUIZ! Grab a computer and log on. Go to Go to “Student Log On” The room # is 43D0F6E9 CLICK JOIN Begin quiz! (Warning,

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Presentation on theme: "WARM UP: IF YOU BUILD IT QUIZ! Grab a computer and log on. Go to Go to “Student Log On” The room # is 43D0F6E9 CLICK JOIN Begin quiz! (Warning,"— Presentation transcript:

1 WARM UP: IF YOU BUILD IT QUIZ! Grab a computer and log on. Go to Go to “Student Log On” The room # is 43D0F6E9 CLICK JOIN Begin quiz! (Warning, don’t copy off your neighbor. The questions are set to come up in a random order. You have to type in your answers! If I catch you googling you get a zero!)


3 PROJECT PURPOSE The purpose of our social action project is to understand the real world application of persuasive strategies, while improving the world around us. You will be getting hands-on experience with teamwork, thinking critically about relevant issues, and creating innovative solutions.

4 PROJECT OVERVIEW Either by yourself or with a partner, you will take on the role of social activists and choose an issue that you feel strongly about that is important to your community or your generation. You will create a media project that addresses the issue by raising awareness and persuading your school community that it is important.

5 EXAMPLE ISSUES Human Trafficking or other human rights violations Animal Rights Human cloning Bullying Environmental Issues Or you can think of an issue specific to Bowie

6 EXAMPLE MEDIA PRODUCTS Short documentary or digital story (5 minutes or less) Letter to Editor or Letter Writing Campaign Podcast or Ted Talk Social Media Campaign Blogs, Twitter, Facebook Pages, Instagram, tumblr Creative Project – art, photography, writing, music, etc… (but it must be created by you and distributed in the community) Everyone will create a website to house all of the pieces of your project

7 IMPORTANT GRADES FOR THIS PROJECT/ SIX WEEKS! Literary Analysis Essay over your book Persuasive Research Paper over your PBL topic Your project proposal Your website for your project Your media product Presentation Grade

8 GROUP MEETING TIME! You may work with one partner, but if you choose to work in partners, you must have TWO separate media products and each of you handles one. For your first meeting, your group must come up with a driving question for your project. Then you must decide on your media product.

9 DRIVING QUESTION EXAMPLES… How can we raise awareness about human trafficking in our school community? How do we convince our school community that smoking is harmful?



12 SO, WHAT MAKES A GOOD RESEARCHABLE QUESTION? open-ended you don’t yet know how you would answer personal drive to know the answer expands from personal to more universal from “How do I…?” to “How do people…?” needs others’ input generates “conversation” among sources

13 NOW, THINK ABOUT YOUR OWN RESEARCHABLE QUESTION… Brainstorm a few different questions based on the criteria we just discussed. Fill them out on your handout. You have 15 minutes!

14 KWL CHART Fill in the K & W sections on your KWL chart. Then grab a computer and do some preliminary research. Then as you learn new information, fill in the “L” section.

15 EXIT TICKET: REVISED RESEARCHABLE QUESTION & REFLECTION Create a revised researchable question and write it on an index card that you will hand in to me.

16 EXIT TICKET: TURN IN YOUR HANDOUT By the end of class you must turn in your questions sheet with your FINAL researchable question and the KWL chart must be completed. Turn them into the tray.

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