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Presentation on theme: "SUMMIT COUNTY ZERO WASTE TASK FORCE August 27, 2012."— Presentation transcript:


2 Agenda 5:30-6:00Baseline Quantities & Costs 6:00-6:30Impacts of Future Program Options - Single-stream - PAYT - Staffed drop-off centers - HHW and electronics fees waived 6:30-7:00PAYT Subcommittee Findings & Task Force Discussion 7:00-7:30Conclusions and discussion 2

3 Significant Progress! Effective collaboration by a strong group of town, hauler, private & non-profit representatives Reached several preliminary conclusions in short time:  To purse single-stream MRF capabilities  To accept expand drop-site collection  To evaluate PAYT pricing/expanded SFU recycling  Long-term – expand organics diversion, drop site functions & MFU PAYT pricing/recycling 3

4 4

5 5

6 Baseline Quantities PROGRAMANNUAL TONSCOMMENTS LandfillMSW = 27,500 Other = 12,750 Residential & commercial compacted trash (no C&D in top number) Traditional Recycling (fibers & containers only) 2,234Multi-stream drop site & curbside (mix of multi- & single-stream in 2011) Organics5,500Wood, biosolids, green waste Special Waste102HHW and e-waste 6 2011 Recycling Rate = 19% (includes recycling, organics, special waste)

7 Estimate of 2011 Recyclable Tons Hauled 7

8 Baseline Costs & Revenues WITHOUT TIP FEESWITH TIP FEES PROGRAMSTOTAL COST SALES REVENUE NET COST/TON TOTAL REVENUE NET COST/TON MSW/Non- MSW Landfill $2.4 M$0$57/ton (42,000 tons) $2.5M($7) /ton Recycling (Traditional) $750k$350k$179/ton (2,234 tons) $350k$179/ton Organics$125,000$85,000$7.25/ton$230,000($19)/ton Special Waste $95k$0$931/ton (102 tons) $55k$392/ton Totals$3.37M$3.135M 8

9 9

10 Impacts of Adding Single- Stream Transfer to MRF 2011 BASELINE 5% INCR10% INCR15% INCR Total Tons Diverted6,260 tons6,6006,9007,200 MSW Recycling %19% 20%21% Net Revenues for Recyclable Sales $12,000$12,500$13,000$13,900 Cost to Landfill operation in lost fees ($20,400)($38,400)($56,400) 10 Estimates based on STATUS QUO conditions: Recyclables market prices of $25/ton ($6/ton net of haul costs) Landfill tip fees of $60/ton compacted loads (MSW)

11 Impacts of Adding PAYT (with single-stream) 2011 BASELINE 30% INCR50% INCR100% INCR Tons Recycled (Lost Landfill Tons) 6,260 tons (MRF only?) 8,1009,40012,500 MSW Recycling %19%24%28%37% Net New Revenues for Recyclable Sales $15,500$18,000$24,000 Cost to Landfill operation in lost fees ($110,000)($188,000)($375,000 Airspace savings ($25/cu yd to create) $57,500$97,725$195,000 Real cost to Landfill($52,500)($90,275)($180,000) 11

12 Impacts of Expanding Drop Site Collection NEW COSTSCOMMENTS Add Free HHW & E- Waste Collection (at Landfill) $61,000Assume 10% increase in volume Add Free Appliance Collection $9,000 Staffed Drop Off Centers (40 hours/week) $104,0003 rd Drop-off center would increase cost by 50% plus capital cost of $100k 12 Estimates based on REVISED OPERATIONS: Sites staffed at all open times to supervise hazardous/toxic wastes Hours reduced to 40 hours/week to control staff costs

13 Total New Impacts 13 Estimates based on STATUS QUO conditions: Recyclables market prices of $25/ton ($6/ton net of haul costs) Landfill tip fees of $60/ton compacted loads (MSW)

14 14

15 “Most” Common Ground Ultimate goal = county ordinance for “urbanized” areas w/ subsequent review for adoption by Towns Application to all residential users with tiered/phased approach  First - SFUs w/ individual carts (PAYT $$ & recycling for all)  Eventually - SFUs w/ shared containers & MFUs (exemptions for space & existing contracts?)  Annual quantity trash & recycling data reporting required for all 32 gal base size for trash – at least weekly trash collection available 96-gal recycling service included in cost – at least twice monthly recyclables collection available County to specify list of recyclables to be collected (single-stream) 15

16 Ground, con’t Trash/recycling containers to be determined by haulers with clearly identifiable recycling containers Annual quantity trash & recycling data reporting requirements County will provide public educational information at program onset & on an on-going basis Trash pricing (not fully discussed)  Will include recycling included in cost (not “free”)  May include flat fee up to the price of a 32-gal container  Subsequent 32-gal cart service(s) priced at 100% of the first container’s price 16

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