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HR Issues of Events (3) By: Zhou Chunlin School of Tourism, Conference and Exhibitions Henan University of Economics and Law.

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Presentation on theme: "HR Issues of Events (3) By: Zhou Chunlin School of Tourism, Conference and Exhibitions Henan University of Economics and Law."— Presentation transcript:

1 HR Issues of Events (3) By: Zhou Chunlin School of Tourism, Conference and Exhibitions Henan University of Economics and Law

2 2 Evaluating an Application ----Asking the Right Questions!!!

3 3 Basic Testing Concepts Effective selection is important and depends, to a large degree, on the basic testing concepts of validity and reliability.

4 4 Validity Test Validity Criterion Validity Content Validity

5 5 Test Validity The accuracy with which a test, interview, and so on measures what it purports to measure or fulfills the function it was designed to fill.

6 6 Criterion Validity A type of validity based on showing that scores on the test (predictors) are related to job performance (criterion)

7 7 Content Validity A test that is content valid is one that contains a fair sample of the tasks and skills actually needed for the job in questions.

8 8 Reliability The consistency of scores obtained by the same person when retested with the identical or equivalent tests.

9 9 Testing Program Guidelines Use tests as supplement Validate the tests Monitor your testing/selection program Keep accurate records Use a certified psychologist Manage test conditions Revalidate periodically

10 10 Selection Interview

11 11 Interview Planning Compare application and resume with job requirements Develop questions related to qualities sought Step-by-step plan to present position, company, division, and department Determine how to ask for examples of past applicant behavior, not what future behavior might be

12 12 Types of Interviews Unstructured (nondirective) Structured (directive or patterned) Behavior Description

13 13 Unstructured (Nondirective) Interview Asks probing, open-ended questionsEncourages applicant to do much of the talkingOften time-consumingDifferent information from different candidatesPotential legal woes

14 14 Structured (Directive or Patterned) Interview Situational questionsJob knowledge questionsJob-sample simulation questionsWorker requirements questions

15 15 Behavior Description Interview Developed by Tom Janz based on the notion that the best predictor of future performance is past performance. Applicants are asked to give specific examples of how they performed their job duties in the past or how they handled a specific problem in the past Initial responses are followed by probing questions to obtain more information

16 16 Investigating Competencies What are competencies?Competencies are the skills, knowledge and attributes considered necessary for the successful performance of a job.What are the generic/key competencies?Planning and Organising ActivitiesWorking with Others and in TeamsCommunicating Ideas and InformationSolving ProblemsCollecting, Organising and Analysing InformationUsing Mathematical Ideas and TechniquesUsing TechnologyCultural Understanding

17 17 Investigating Competencies The basis of Competency- Based Interview/ Behavioral Interviewing/ Targeted Selection is: “Past behavior is the best predictor of future performance.” S- SituationExample: T- Task A- Action R- Result Competency-Based Question – S T A R Can you give me an example of a situation when you had to led a project, please describe the situation, any difficulty encountered, the action taken and the result?

18 18 Role Play – Competency Questions Can you give me an example of a situation when you had a disagreement with others. How did your react? Please describe the situation, your idea, what did you do, and how was the results?

19 19 Investigating Preference Preference Based QuestionsExamples:What is the ideal job content for you?What kind of company cultural do your prefer?Describe your ideal boss?How would you like to be managed? What are the most important issues for your about a job?

20 20 Investigating Motivations Positive Motivations:DevelopmentOpportunitiesChallenge Negative Motivations: Money Title Bad Relationship With Boss/Peers Near to Where I Live Less Work Be Prepared!

21 21 Potential Interviewing Problems Inappropriate questions Premature judgments Interviewer domination Inconsistent questions Central tendency

22 22 Potential Interviewing Problems (Continued) Halo errorContrast effectInterviewer biasLack of trainingBehavior sample

23 23 Assessment Centers Candidates subjected to exercises that simulate actual job tasks In-basket exercises Management games Leaderless discussion groups Mock interviews Measures candidates’ skills in prioritizing, delegating and decision- making

24 24 Personal Reference Checks Provides additional insight into applicant information Verification of accuracy Applicant often required to provide names of several references More emphasis on previous employment investigations

25 25 The Selection Decision Most critical step of all Person whose qualifications most closely conform to the requirements of the open position should be selected

26 26 Notification to Candidates Results should be made known to candidates as soon as possible Delay may result in firm losing prime candidate Unsuccessful candidates should also be promptly notified

27 27 | 07.02.2008 Training & Professional Development Supervision, Motivating & Evaluation Termination, outplacement and Re- enlistment Evaluation and Reporting

28 Task 1 Make a list of the positions of your big event – the Graduate Ceremony, 2010. Discuss with your peers to decide the Job Analysis (Job description, Job Spec.)

29 Task 2 Make an interview checklist for your big event-- the Graduate Ceremony, 2010. Try to interview one of your group member to fit the position Make a resume as an applicant Make a letter of appointment / statement of right

30 Questions

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