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Winning the War: Chapter 26, Section 3

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1 Winning the War: Chapter 26, Section 3

2 I. Waging Total War A. Total War = due to the fact that WWI was a modern, mechanized war Countries channeled vast resources into the war effort Men, supplies, etc… Governments took on stronger role of directing the economic/cultural lives of their people

3 II. Economics of WWI A. All warring nations except Britain imposed conscription = “the draft” (Britain later did in1916) B. Germany set up a system of forced civilian labor also C. Taxes rose, Governments borrowed huge amounts of $ to pay for WWI D. Rationed consumer goods, set prices and forbid strikes

4 II. Economic Warfare Cont…
A. British navy imposed a blockade on North Sea against Germany Stopped wartime goods and civilian goods (food, clothing, etc…) Led to the “turnip winter” of B. Germany retaliates Used U-Boats to sink all ships carrying goods to Britain May, 1915 = U=Boat sinks the Lusitania 128 of the passengers killed are American Tensions b/w Germany and US mount

5 IV. Propaganda War A. Goal = control public opinion
B. Special boards censored the press Wanted to keep discouraging news from reaching the public Propaganda = 2 functions Promote a cause Damage an opponent’s cause Purpose: motivate military, get financial support from people

6 Morale Collapses By 1917: Troops & Civilians are tired of war
Germany was enlisting 15 year old boys Britain was nearly bankrupt Other Factors Causing Low Morale: Many casualties Food shortages Failed military ventures Results of Low Morale: Troops in many French units mutinied Italian soldiers began deserting Russian soldiers left the front to join in their Revolution at home

7 The Revolution in Russia & The Allies
Causes of the Revolution: 3 hard years of war Incompetent Generals Corruption March, 1917: Bread Riots erupt in St. Petersburg Revolution will bring down the Russian Monarchy Allies (Including U.S.) hope for a new, democratic leader… V.I. Lenin comes to power Ends Russian involvement in WWI by signing the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk Russian Withdrawal = Germany could concentrate forces on the Western Front Made WWI more difficult for the Allied Powers

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