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1 Mrs. Georgacopoulos. 1) What are the career and personal benefits of creating a portfolio? 2) How and when can/will portfolios be used? 3) What are.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Mrs. Georgacopoulos. 1) What are the career and personal benefits of creating a portfolio? 2) How and when can/will portfolios be used? 3) What are."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Mrs. Georgacopoulos

2 1) What are the career and personal benefits of creating a portfolio? 2) How and when can/will portfolios be used? 3) What are different types/styles of portfolios? 4) How will our portfolio be structured? 5) What are 5 tips to ensure a great portfolio result? Mrs. Georgacopoulos 2

3  DUAL ROLE: Career Purpose & Assessment/Growth Purpose  Portable collection of items that showcases your accomplishments, abilities, and skills gained via the TCD experience  Evidence of GROWTH (before & after)  Marketing tool that gives the potential employer an overview of what you will/can bring to the job  Visual representation that reflects -where you have been? -where you are now? -where you are going? 3 Mrs. Georgacopoulos

4 CAREER BENEFITS Reveals the skills you have developed, your individuality, and creativity to an employer Important documents always in one place to pull from Can be used as a tool to justify raises and promotions PERSONAL BENEFITS Develop skills in organization and goal setting, which prepares you for an interview and the workplace Confidence booster!!! Reminder of your progress and growth Ms. Karabelas 4

5 Job Interviews During a Job Performance Evaluation For your own personal reference/record keeping Personal reflection & growth 5 Mrs. Georgacopoulos

6  Digital/Online Versions/ Web Folios (Develop a personal web site that includes yourpersonal web site portfolio material electronically)  Business Card CDs/ DVDs Business Card CDs  Electronic Versions/ slide show presentation (including the flash or CD and a hardcopy of the slides)slide show presentation  Hard Copies  Binders/Folders/Brochures/Zippered Portfolios, etc. What?!? The technology is down??? 6 Mrs. Georgacopoulos

7  TCD Binder (provided for you)  4 Tabs (may be more  depending on industry needs)  Sheet protectors to maintain clean and orderly documents ------------------------------------------------------- * Electronic Format- (depending on program area) 7 Mrs. Georgacopoulos

8 8 Teachers may customize and add to this tab list, depending on industry needs!!!! TAB 1- Employment Documentation Personal Statement Cover Letter Resume & References Sample Job Application Recommendation Letter (highly recommended) Thank You Letter (highly recommended) Resignation Letter (highly recommended) TAB 2- Career Exploration & Planning Individual Career Plan Kuder Navigator Assessment Results TAB 3- Skills & Accomplishments Awards Certifications Course Completion Mastery of Skills Documentation TAB 4- Evidence of Student Growth & Reflection Key Train Work Transcripts/Grade Reports Program Specific Assignments & Projects (Before & After) Teacher Feedback Student Reflections

9 IInclude a Cover Page, for each tab, listing what documents the viewer will expect to see in that particular section Mrs. Georgacopoulos 9

10  Don’t overwhelm reader/ A portfolio that is sloppy, too long, or too big does NOT make a good impression  Avoid multiple photographs/representations of the same activity  Be able to defend each photo/artifact entry in your portfolio with a typed brief explanation  Type should be computer generated. Consistency in style and size is key 10 Mrs. Georgacopoulos

11  Don’t punch holes in any documents/ Use sheet protectors if possible  Spell & Grammar Check EVERYTHING that you produce  Keep the tone of your Portfolio positive at all times  No cutesy or inappropriate designs included - this is a professional portfolio. (Some exceptions apply..) Mrs. Georgacopoulos 11

12  Use quality papers and printers for employment documents  Consider having 2 portfolios: (1 with the original documents + 1 with copies you can leave with employer)  Tailor your Portfolio to your specific audience!!!  This is an ongoing process! It needs to be updated regularly!!!  Practice presenting/referring to your Portfolio 12 Mrs. Georgacopoulos

13 Be Creative! Be Original! Be Proud of it! 13 Mrs. Georgacopoulos

14 1) What are the career and personal benefits of creating a portfolio? 2) How and when can/will portfolios be used? 3) What are different types/styles of portfolios? 4) How will our portfolio be structured? 5) What are 5 tips to ensure a great portfolio result? Mrs. Georgacopoulos 14

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