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CIST 3000-851 Lecture 15.1 Review, Reflection, and Conclusion 1 Materials in these slides are adapted from Lannon & Gurak, Copyright 2011 by Pearson Education.

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Presentation on theme: "CIST 3000-851 Lecture 15.1 Review, Reflection, and Conclusion 1 Materials in these slides are adapted from Lannon & Gurak, Copyright 2011 by Pearson Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 CIST 3000-851 Lecture 15.1 Review, Reflection, and Conclusion 1 Materials in these slides are adapted from Lannon & Gurak, Copyright 2011 by Pearson Education Inc., and other sources

2 Review: Why Have This Course? Focus is on YOU, and YOUR writing Goal is to develop your skills as a writer, for different audiences End product is a report that you should be proud to include in your portfolio as a work sample 2

3 Course Learning Objectives By the time you complete this course, be able to: 1. Understand various writing strategies and genres 2. Apply field-related, advanced research skills 3. Understand grammar and language issues 4. Use appropriate language for audiences 5. Understand the writing process 6. Understand writing functions 7. Be aware of audience 3

4 HOW to Succeed: Deliverables 4 Assignment Max Points Student Questionnaire & Self Introduction 20 A #1, Subject of Report:Informal Proposal for Subject and Research DB Post and Replies 75 20 A #2, Proposal for Report:Cover Letter; Formal Proposal for Report Peer Review within Sub-Group 110 20 A #3, Draft of Report:Cover Letter; Draft of Report Peer Review within Sub-Groups 150 20 A #4, Design of Report:Cover Letter; Sample Pages; Style Sheet DB Post and Replies 75 20 A #5, Final Report:Transmittal Letter; Final Report350 A #6, Presentation:Narrated Presentation; Outline DB Post and Replies 120 20 TOTAL 1000

5 Final Course Grade Final letter grade is based on points you receive out of total 1000 points maximum 5 Grade RangeLetter Grade 970 – 1000 A+ 920 – 969 A 900 – 919 A- 870 – 899 B+ 820 – 869 B 800 – 819 B- 770 – 799 C+ 720 – 769 C 700 – 719 C- 670 – 699 D+ 620 – 669 D 600 – 619 D- 0 – 599 F

6 Reflection Remember to complete the official Course Evaluation instrument (per email sent to you from Information Services on 4/21) Also feel free to communicate your reflections on the course to me in other ways My own reflection: Great experience: Thank you! Enjoyed the interactivity Tremendous amount of grading time: I hope it provided value to you Remain a firm believer in the importance and value of this course 6

7 Conclusion Thanks for listening! … Stay in touch … 7

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