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Portfolios. The Portfolio collection reflects a student’s interest and achievements The collection must include student involvement in selecting the content,

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1 Portfolios

2 The Portfolio collection reflects a student’s interest and achievements The collection must include student involvement in selecting the content, the criteria for selection, the criteria for judging merit, and evidence of student self- reflection

3 Student portfolios should include Cover sheet – identifying the student Table of contents – listing of entries Letter of introduction – introduces the student Application – documentation of learned skills

4 Student portfolios Resume – student qualifications Academic skills – an entry from areas showcasing growth and knowledge with a reflection sheet Transcript – provides the official record of a students’ coursework and testing

5 Student portfolios Letters of recommendation – show how others view a student Special interests and awards – achievements in and outside of school

6 Maintaining the portfolio Appearance – neat and clean Update – insert best work Evaluate – reflect on work collected in portfolio Replacement – insert new work displaying a greater skill mastery

7 Benefits of the portfolio process Tangible proof of their knowledge and skills Students develop a sense of pride and ownership from collecting their best work

8 Benefits Intangible self-assessment and self –esteem A portfolio provides future employers, scholarship committees or admission committees additional evaluation tools.

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