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The seven major food groups.

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Presentation on theme: "The seven major food groups."— Presentation transcript:

1 The seven major food groups.
You Are What You Eat The seven major food groups.

2 Carbohydrates Starches and Sugars
Common Foods Bread Potatoes Rice Pasta Jam Fruit Vegetables Sweets Pancakes Flour, sugar and sometimes fruit. Fruit and Vegetables Natural sugars. Sweets and Cakes Flour, sugar. Why We Need Them! They supply us with energy! This helps with playtime.

3 Proteins Common Foods Meat Fish Eggs Cheese Milk Bread Nuts Pulses
Meats Beef, pork, chicken, turkey etc. Common Foods Meat Fish Eggs Cheese Milk Bread Nuts Pulses Fish Tuna, Wahoo. Good brain food!!!! Dairy Foods Milk, cheese, yoghurt, eggs. Why We Need Them! They help us grow and repair our bodies.

4 Fats Common Foods Butter Cream Olive Oil Vegetable Oil Meat Cheese
Margarine Meats Animal fats can be good for us, especially fish oil. Oils Some oils can help reduce heart problems, especially Olive Oils. Dairy Foods Milk, cheese, yoghurt, eggs. Why We Need Them! They supply us with energy and insulation! The body stores energy as fat.

5 Minerals Common Foods Cheese Milk Liver Eggs Bread Salt Meats
Vegetables Meats Contain iron for healthy blood. Dairy Foods Milk, cheese and yoghurt contain calcium for strong bones. Vegetables Contain iron, calcium, potassium as well as many other minerals. Why We Need Them! Help keep blood, bones, muscles and our bodies healthy.

6 Vitamins Common Foods Vitamin A Liver, butter, green vegetables.
Vitamin B Bread, milk, potatoes, meat, yeast, cheese, liver eggs. Vitamin C Oranges, lemons, vegetables, tomatoes. Vitamin D Eggs, margarine, cod liver oil. Why We Need Them! Vitamin A – Eyesight (helps us see in the dark). Vitamin B – Healthy cells and blood. Vitamin C – Helps keep away colds. Vitamin D – Healthy bones.

7 Roughage/Fibre Common Foods Vegetables Fruit Whole-grain Breads
Cereals Why We Need Them! Keeps digestive system running smoothly!

8 Water – The Most Important
Common Foods Water from the tap. Fruit juice. Milk. Why We Need It! You are made up mostly of water. Without water you would dehydrate and die very quickly.

9 Go to the following website to try out
Now try this game! Go to the following website to try out Mission Nutrition

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