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A 10-year Vision for Global Research Data Infrastructures Erwin Laure KTH 1st WG Meeting, London,

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Presentation on theme: "A 10-year Vision for Global Research Data Infrastructures Erwin Laure KTH 1st WG Meeting, London,"— Presentation transcript:

1 A 10-year Vision for Global Research Data Infrastructures Erwin Laure KTH 1st WG Meeting, London, UK

2 2 Where do we stand? Data-driven research Unifying fragments of data Disruptive innovations Research breakthroughs Challenges!!!!! Disconnected repositories with locally stored data Coping with huge increases in data volume? Sharing data across disciplines? Dealing with diverse data sets? Curating & preserving data sets for current & future generations? TerabytesPetabytesExabytes

3 3 Where are we heading? General consensus The competitiveness of European research hinges on our ability to open up new research perspective by ensuring diverse data repositories are accessible & interoperable across geographical & disciplinary boundaries. General consensus The competitiveness of European research hinges on our ability to open up new research perspective by ensuring diverse data repositories are accessible & interoperable across geographical & disciplinary boundaries. More challenges!!!!! Current landscape is compartmentalised Costly! Impedes collaboration! Hinders sharing of best practices! Grand global challenges harder to achieve!

4 4 Addressing the Challenges Tackling challenges that are:  technological  organisational - policy recommendations Evaluating:  Commonalities across diverse disciplines Their requirements are key!

5 5 GRDI2020 Focus GRDI2020 will deliver a Roadmap to help shape the global research data infrastructure for the decades ahead. It is our vision that GRDI2020 will be:  A cost-effective, efficient collaborative research environment built on an interoperable & sustainable governance model with user needs woven into its fabric.  A strong enabler of new research perspectives available across geographical borders & disciplines with grand global challenges firmly in mind. Strengthening EU competitiveness - enhancing world-wide interoperability – increasing usability of data - reducing fragmentation & overlapping of effort

6 6 Major Stakeholders ˝ Building mutual trust among all stakeholders is of utmost importance to realise the European data infrastructure strategy Strategy for a European Data Infrastructure (Parade White Paper), September 2009 User communities e-Infrastructure projects & providers ESFRI projects EC member countries Experts in Europe & globally Funding Agencies

7 7 Building on GRL Efforts Washington, US 2007 Pisa, Europe 2008 Taipei, Asia 2009 User focus Open Access Preservation Trust & Quality Data & Scalability Interoperability Sustainability Services Libraries Unique Positioning 7 GRL2020 Think Tank Building a Global Community

8 8 GRDI2020 Impact Community Bringing stakeholders closer together Two International Events Communication tools Insights Coordinating challenges & requirements Sharing best practices & knowledge Proposing initial solutions Roadmap From state of the art to GRDI2020 Mapping challenges & requirements to concrete steps Policy & sustainability Plan 2 Working Groups: Technological Aspects Organisational Aspects

9 Technical Working Group

10 Tech WG members Andreas Aschenbrenner, Univ. Göttingen, DE Tobias Blanke, King’s College, UK Vincent Franceschini, HDS, FR Jane Hunter, Univ. of Queensland, AU Yannis Ioannidis, Univ. of Athens/ATHENA, GR Pasquale Pagano, CNR-ISTI, IT Mark Parsons, NSIDC, US Andreas Rauber, TU Vienna, AU Alex Wade, Microsoft, USA Christoph Witzig, SWITCH, CH

11 Vision for data infrastructures 2030 Chair: John Wood Rapporteur: David Giaretta 4 Meetings: February – March – May - June Insights feeding into the GRDI2020 roadmap GRDI2020 Reports made available to HLEG (e.g. Data Analysis report) GRL2020 Reports made available Supporting 2 meetings for focused interaction 11 High Level Expert Group (HLEG)

12 HLEG Challenges Trust Usability Interoperability Preservation and Sustainability Education and training Data publication and access Commercial exploitation New social paradigms Tech & Org Tech Org Tech & Org Org

13 Initial topics – Tech WG 1.Data Storage & Management 2.Data interoperability (confederation, integration, fusion) Position paper from Costantino Thanos 3.Data discovery and mining 4.Data provenance and preservation 5.Data/metadata stewardship (curation, quality, and disposition) Position paper from Andreas Aschenbrenner 6.Data protection (security, privacy, legal issues, confidentiality, IPRs) Position paper from Christoph Witzig 7.Virtual Research Environments Position papers from Tobias Blanke and Pasquale Pagano Position paper from Mark Parsons covering Data sharing and publication, interoperability, preservation, governance

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