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table table plant plant bed bed dresser dresser bookcase bookcase sofa sofa chair drawer What’s this in English? It’s a/an …. desk backpack.

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5 table table plant plant bed bed dresser dresser bookcase bookcase sofa sofa chair drawer What’s this in English? It’s a/an …. desk backpack

6 Challenge your memory!

7 Match the words with the things in the pictures. 1.table 2.bed 3.dresser 4.bookcase 5.sofa 6.chair 7.backpack 8.books 9.keys 11.drawer 12.plant e j c d i h g a b f l k It’s Lata’s room.It’s dirty and untidy.

8 on the case under the case in the case Where’s the cat? It’s …

9 Where’s the girl? She’s on / in / under the box. on inunder

10 Where’s the alarm clock? Where’s = Where is It’s on the chair. Where are the plants? They’re under the table. They’re = They are

11 Where is the pencil case? It is in the backpack.

12 Where are the keys? They are on the table.

13 Where are the books? They’re under the chair.

14 1 2 3 4 5 1b Listen and number the things [1-5] in the picture.

15 Practice: A: Where is / are …? B: It’s / They’re….

16 Where’s the clock? Is it on / in / under / … ? It’s on the desk/table.

17 Where’s the baseball? Is it on / in / under / …? It’s under the chair.

18 Where are the plants? Are they on / in / under / …? They’re on the table.

19 Where are the books? Are they on / in / under / …? They’re in the bookcase.

20 Where are the tigers? They’re on the bike. Are they …?

21 It’s beside/near the table. Where’s the chair ? Is it on / in / under / … ?

22 Where’s the bag ? Is it on / in / under / … ? It’s behind the sofa.

23 Lata can’t find his things. What are they? Can you help him?

24 26 53 4

25 1 2 3 4 5 Listen again. Where are the things? Number the things in the picture. 1 2 3 4 5 6 6

26 Lata: Hey, Sally. Sally: Yes? Lata: Is my computer game on the table? Sally: No, it isn’t. It’s on the bookcase. Lata: Oh, OK. How about my books? Are Lata: Oh, OK. How about my books? Are they on the bookcase, too? they on the bookcase, too? Sally: No, they aren’t. They are on the chair. Sally: No, they aren’t. They are on the chair. Lata: Oh. So, where’s my pencil case? Sally: It’s under the sofa. Lata: And where’s my backpack? Sally: It’s under the table. And the baseball is under the chair. is under the chair. Lata: Oh, OK. And where are mom’s keys? Sally: The keys? They are on the table.

27 Where are my keys? I don’t know (知道) do not do not Are they on your bed? No, they aren’t.

28 Make conversations A : Where is the…?/Where are my …s? B : I don’t know. Is it…? /Are they …? Is it…? /Are they …? A : No, it isn’t./ Yes, it is. No, they aren’t. / Yes, they are. No, they aren’t. / Yes, they are.

29 Make conversations


31 X X X X X X X X X X X Picture 1 Picture 2 X Picture 1 Picture 2 The map of China The clock The phone The keys The math book The baseball on the wall I don’t know. on the wall I don’t know. on the table on the desk on the table on the floor I don’t know. under the desk I don’t know.

32 Picture1 Picture2 Find the differences Find the differences

33 ObjectPicture1Picture2 Girl Near the bed Near the sofa ……… Fill in the form

34 clean and tidy

35 dirty and untidy

36 We should keep our things clean and tidy. 我们应该保持一切干净和整洁. 我们应该保持一切干净和整洁. Habit is a second nature. 习惯成自然。 Don’t do like Lata. Proverbs

37 clean and tidy

38 Draw a picture of your bedroom and describe it, using in, on and under. ( 画出自己的房间, 并 用 in, on 和 under 等词进行描述 ) This is my bedroom. My clock is on the wall. The pencil case is in the bag. The backpack is on the chair. The plant the sofa are on the floor, My books are on the bookcase. The bookcase is near my bed. My baseball is under the bed. My …is/are…

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