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Innovation in the Balance - a panel on how best to innovate in GÉANT Michael Enrico, Chief Technical Officer, DANTE.

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Presentation on theme: "Innovation in the Balance - a panel on how best to innovate in GÉANT Michael Enrico, Chief Technical Officer, DANTE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Innovation in the Balance - a panel on how best to innovate in GÉANT Michael Enrico, Chief Technical Officer, DANTE

2 2 Connect | communicate | Collaborate Collaboration or Going it Alone? (Apologies for use of English proverbs) Do “Many hands make light work?” Do “Too many cooks spoil the broth?”

3 3 Connect | communicate | Collaborate Innovation in the GÉANT Project The GÉANT community has long been pioneering networking technology and service innovation. Looking back, has this been best done Collaboratively or at National level? How do the lessons of each approach guide us in how to structure our innovation and discovery going forward?

4 4 Connect | communicate | Collaborate Expertise + Process + Resouces + People We have a wealth of networking and middleware technology expertise So where is our innovation output falling down - or is it? Do we have the funds to do the job properly? Are we harnessing the needs and knowledge of our users? What of public-private partnerships or campus collaborations? Does innovation even mean the same thing to each of us? ResearchDevelopmentApplication

5 5 Connect | communicate | Collaborate So, what is “Innovation”? Dictionary definition in·no·va·tion [ in -uh- vey - sh uh n ] noun 1.something new or different introduced: numerous innovations in the high-school curriculum. 2.the act of innovating; introduction of new things or methods.innovating Origin: 1540–50; < Late Latin innovātiōn- (stem of innovātiō ). See innovate, -ioninnovate-ion Related forms in·no·va·tion·al, adjective

6 6 Connect | communicate | Collaborate A classic Innovator… (but who is it?)

7 7 Connect | communicate | Collaborate This should give it away…

8 8 Connect | communicate | Collaborate Jethro Tull invented this… …but more generally he innovated in farming and played a key role in the British Agrarian Revolution

9 9 Connect | communicate | Collaborate Another famous Innovator?

10 10 Connect | communicate | Collaborate Here he is with his equipment…

11 11 Connect | communicate | Collaborate He also made an innovative Transatlantic leap!

12 12 Connect | communicate | Collaborate As the differential with the commercial sector diminishes year on year, we need solutions to keep us at the leading edge. This will be our Panel’s quest… …through lively and informed discussion between a worthy selection of panellists from across Europe and beyond, who will share and compare the pros and cons of each approach. They bring a diversity of experience of running research programmes, technology transference, joint and “go it alone” approaches. Where is the Innovation Balance?

13 13 Connect | communicate | Collaborate What do we want from this Panel Discussion? To work out the merits of different ways/aspects/factors of research programmes and process To discuss different ideas and new ways of looking at how the project might do research/apply innovations To ensure views and experience from different environments/organisations To assess the value of the commercial viewpoint: profit may not be the driving goal, but development and delivery of networking services that users will value is To ultimately bring richer pool of ideas for research and innovation to GEANT project – and so enhance its success.

14 14 Connect | communicate | Collaborate Innovation in the NREN world

15 15 Connect | communicate | Collaborate Players Jean-Luc Dorel, EC Commercial background and EC project officer for GÉANT Nicole Gregoire, SURFnet Community Manager Research Afrodite Sevasti, GRNET Chief Business Development Officer & JRA2 leader Michael Stanton, RNP Director of Research & Development Geoff Bennett, Infinera Director, Solutions and Technology

16 16 Connect | communicate | Collaborate Discuss!

17 17 Connect | communicate | Collaborate | | Connect | Communicate | Collaborate Thank you!

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