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PRESENTATION OF Working Group-III Ensuring access to finance for IFAD’s target group; gaps and opportunities.

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Presentation on theme: "PRESENTATION OF Working Group-III Ensuring access to finance for IFAD’s target group; gaps and opportunities."— Presentation transcript:

1 PRESENTATION OF Working Group-III Ensuring access to finance for IFAD’s target group; gaps and opportunities

2 Gaps 1.Demand side gaps 2.Supply side gaps

3 Demand Side Gaps & Opportunities Loan to poor people is 6% of total loan advance and there is enormous scope for both vertical and horizontal expansion in financial sector for the poor. Poor people are in low level technology trap in respect to both production and marketing aspect. Capacity of farmers should be enhanced by transferring appropriate technology and imparting training.

4 Demand side gaps……. Creating marketing environments for developing brands of micro entreprenures eg. Virtual market. Development of infrastructure in the remote areas. Strengthening pro-poor value chains. Vulnerability reduction, i.e. climate change adaptation programme, micro insurance programme, etc.

5 Supply side gaps and opportunities Favorable environment for emerging micro finance banks Strengthening MFIS in governance risk management etc. Enabling regulatory regime for MF Banks. Strengthening MFI-bank linkage as an interim arrangement by reducing interest rate (cost of fund+1). Introduction of cell phone base banking linked with CIB for offering wide varieties of loan products. Creating favorable environment for safe investment of remittence in micro enterprise sector.

6 Thank You

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