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Journal Entry §Do you think taking surveys online has had a positive or negative effect of marketing research? Why?

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Presentation on theme: "Journal Entry §Do you think taking surveys online has had a positive or negative effect of marketing research? Why?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Journal Entry §Do you think taking surveys online has had a positive or negative effect of marketing research? Why?

2 Marketing Research Part 2 Section 2 Conducting Marketing Research How do you design and conduct market research?

3 Constructing the Questionnaire §Data should measure what it was designed to measure(validity) §Questions should ask the same type of information from all respondents and produces the same results in repeated trials (reliability) l Questions should be clear and easily understood, all respondents should understand the question in the same way §To be valid and reliable a questionnaire must be clear, properly written, formatted and administered

4 Writing Questions §Open-ended l Respondent constructs a response l Generate a wide variety of responses that are difficult to tabulate and categorize §Forced choice- l Respondents choose an answer from those given l Simplest to write and easiest to tabulate

5 Forced Choice Questions §Two-choice l yes or no l agree or disagree l Avoid two issue questions §Multiple choice l several choices given l Must make answers mutually exclusive, and comprehensive enough to cover all possibilities (employ use of “other”) §Rating questions-rank on a scale l usually should make scales odd number of items

6 Basic Guidelines for Writing Questions §Written clearly and briefly §Use same ranking or rating scales for all similar questions §Don’t ask leading questions that suggest a right answer §Avoid bias §Avoid questions that could cause the respondent to guess at the meaning §Pretest the wording

7 Formatting the questionnaire §Excellent visual appeal §Dark ink, light paper §Short (2 pages max) §Section headings, number all questions §Directions for each section §Note on bottom if continued on next page §Demographic questions at end unless prequalifying

8 Distributing the Questionnaire §Give deadline §Mailed: sent first class, with hand signed cover letter and postage paid return envelope §Brief explanation of purpose §Plan for selecting respondents(unbiased) §Incentives for participating

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