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Point of Care EHR Laboratory Package for Small Sites without a Laboratory Professional Resource Patient Management System.

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1 Point of Care EHR Laboratory Package for Small Sites without a Laboratory Professional Resource Patient Management System

2 Session Objectives Differentiate between Laboratory vs. Nursing/Text Quick Orders. Order and result Laboratory Tests using the POC Button. Enter canned and free text comments..

3 Point of Care (POC) Button Used with a Nursing Quick order Nursing quick orders do not place an order in the lab package. Nursing Quick orders instruct the nurse or aid to perform some patient care. A Nursing quick order for POC testing, can be seen on the orders tab and instructs the nurse or aid to perform a POC test and report it using POC button. Nurse POC orders can be completed on the orders tab after testing and reporting is completed.

4 Point of Care (POC)Button (cont.) Nursing Quick Order for Point of care testing.

5 Point of Care (POC) Button (cont.) POC button uses the Fast Bypass option in the laboratory package. Fast Bypass orders, accessions, results, and signs laboratory test in one process. Do not use both the Fast Bypass option in Lab Package and POC button to enter POC lab results as it creates double visits and double resulting. Results go into lab package and display as any other laboratory test result on the Labs tab. Results are available immediately on Lab Tab in EHR.

6 Point of Care (POC) Button (cont.) The use of POC Button may be restricted to a clinic, or by users. Restricting by users can be part of a competency program for the facility. To use the POC Button: –Three initials must be set up in New Person File or file 200 –LR Verify key –ORELSE key in EHR

7 Point of Care (POC) Button (cont.) Locate and select the POC Lab Entry button in the EHR. The button may be located in different places in the EHR.

8 Point of Care POC button (cont.) Select the desired POC test from the dropdown box here.

9 Point of Care POC button (cont.) You can change the date and time the test was performed here if applicable. Ensure proper “Doc in the Box”! Enter the test results. Use a ? to see allowed choices if needed.

10 Point of Care POC button (cont.) To document comments select the Add Canned Comments button. This brings up allowed comments box. Select comment and click OK. This is one way to document read back for verbal orders.

11 Point of Care POC button (cont.) When finished click somewhere outside of result box and then select save.

12 Point of Care POC button (cont.) Order appears on orders tab in EHR with status of complete. In order to see the order you may need to customize your view by selecting View, Custom Order View, All, and then select Laboratory.

13 Complete the Nursing Order (cont.) The nursing order and lab order display together by date. The POC Glucose status is complete. The Nursing order status is active.

14 Complete the Nursing Order The default display in the EHR is “Display by service”. In order to find the nursing order it may be necessary to Customize the order view. Select “View”, and “Custom View”.

15 Complete the Nursing Order (cont.) Uncheck the “Group Orders by Service”

16 Complete the Nursing Order (cont.) Highlight the Nursing order and select “Action” and “Complete” from the menu in the upper left of the orders display.

17 Complete the Nursing Order (cont.) Place electronic signature.

18 Complete the Nursing Order (cont.) Both the Lab POC test and the Nursing order are now status “complete”.

19 Questions & Discussion

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