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Imperial Oil Resources D.J.Fennell Strategies for Understanding and Addressing Risk Tolerance Factor # 5 Personal Experience with an Outcome.

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Presentation on theme: "Imperial Oil Resources D.J.Fennell Strategies for Understanding and Addressing Risk Tolerance Factor # 5 Personal Experience with an Outcome."— Presentation transcript:

1 Imperial Oil Resources D.J.Fennell Strategies for Understanding and Addressing Risk Tolerance Factor # 5 Personal Experience with an Outcome

2 Imperial Oil Resources D.J.Fennell When we have had a personal experience in our past with a serious outcome, we will be less accepting of the risks associated with the activity. 10 Factors That Influence Risk Tolerance 1.Overestimating Capability/Experience 2.Familiarity with the Task 3.Seriousness of Outcome 4.Voluntary Actions and Being in Control 5.Personal Experience with an Outcome 6.Cost of Non-Compliance 7.Confidence in the Equipment 8.Confidence in Protection and Rescue 9.Potential Profit & Gain from Actions 10. Role Models Accepting Risk

3 Imperial Oil Resources D.J.Fennell A personal experience with an outcome will make us less accepting of risk with a related activity or task. The challenge: As our operations become safer, new workers may never have had a personal experience with the outcome and may be sceptical that it actually could occur. We need to ensure that workers who have not had a personal experience with an outcome still know that it is possible to have an incident with that type of activity. Personal Experience with an Outcome

4 Imperial Oil Resources D.J.Fennell If we have never witnessed a serious outcome we may perceive that it couldn’t happen at all. 1.Have workers really been injured while working on the ground around moving equipment? 2.Is ‘hot water’ really able to cause serious burns? 3.Can static electricity actually cause a fire? 4.Is H2S as dangerous as it is made out to be? Personal Experience with an Outcome

5 Imperial Oil Resources D.J.Fennell Personal Experience with an Outcome Keep the ‘corporate memory’ alive: the serious incidents that our company has experienced in the past need to be communicated to newer workers expert observers keepers of the corporate memorySupervisors, ‘expert observers’, and the ‘keepers of the corporate memory’ have the obligation to share their experiences with newer workers “What could go wrong?” Demonstrate that incidents have occurred because of not following a procedure – “What could go wrong?” “How bad could it be?” Demonstrate that there have been serious consequences in the past – “How bad could it be?” Safety AlertsIncident Summaries Use Safety Alerts and Incident Summaries from within the company, from industry associations and from other companies to reinforce that incidents have and could happen. Strategies for addressing reducing risks acceptance when there has been no personal experience with a serious consequence: 1 2 3

6 Imperial Oil Resources D.J.Fennell Exercise and Discussion on “Personal Experience with a Serious Outcome” “Personal Experience with a Serious Outcome” 1.Is there a Personal Experience that anyone here has had they may have a valuable lesson for a newer worker? 2.Is there something we should be doing differently or improving based on this personal experience? 3.What does this meant to me? 4.What am I going to do about it? 1 2 3 4 6 5

7 Imperial Oil Resources D.J.Fennell Stop and Think... Is there a lesson from my past or that I know of that I can use to demonstrate to a newer worker the risks of this task?

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