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School Food & Health. Regional School Food & Health Coordinators Funded by Dept Health through GOSE 3 workers for the South East region In post December.

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Presentation on theme: "School Food & Health. Regional School Food & Health Coordinators Funded by Dept Health through GOSE 3 workers for the South East region In post December."— Presentation transcript:

1 School Food & Health

2 Regional School Food & Health Coordinators Funded by Dept Health through GOSE 3 workers for the South East region In post December ‘06 – March ‘07

3 Project brief To support improvements in school food: assess regional needs deliver practical support to school clusters in the region

4 Assessing regional needs areas of deprivation professional support available to schools progress with Healthy Schools status

5 Regional deprivation

6 Areas selected Milton Keynes: requested support due to lack of specialised support for Healthy Eating strand of Healthy Schools, 26% schools FSME (20%+) Buckinghamshire: requested support due to lack of specialised and allied professional support for Healthy Eating strand of Healthy Schools, 10% schools FSME (20%+) Hampshire: delivered training in east of county due to access to fewer support resources than rest of county, 13.8% schools FSME (20+) Isle of Wight: high levels of support exist, somewhat isolated from regional training opportunities, 37.5% schools FSME (20%+)

7 Road show content Sharing effective practice developed by Kent Healthy Schools team across the region developing a whole school food policy influencing content packed lunches engaging parents, consultation techniques growing projects

8 Delivering road shows 4 locations in 3 weeks 9 training sessions delivered 116 participants

9 Representation secondary, primary, nursery and special schools school teaching staff, learning support assistants head teachers and deputy heads PSHE Coordinators, midday supervisors catering staff Healthy Schools Co-ordinators/consultants School nurses

10 Representation cont… parents, governors health promotion specialists, trading standards officers Food in Schools & Extended schools co-ordinators Health care assistants Pediatric nurse - special needs, School Matron Community chefs, Community dieticians

11 Comments "Very helpful. Some new avenues to look at and very reassuring.“ "Helpful and fun” "Great practical ideas and activities.“ "Enthused me and feel it is do-able because good start points. Not just another burden added."

12 Feedback/requests info on special diets/ cultural and religious considerations - perhaps as an addition to the toolkit How can we engage parents - particularly minority groups Food and Hygiene training AND funding for this More specialised training from experts Training for mid day supervisors More approaches to tackling parental concern Training in changing attitudes

13 Feedback/requests cont.. Ideas for cookery clubs Examples from schools that have been deemed high achieving More information on how to apply to early years settings and secondary schools Multi cultural issues How to involve the wider/extended schools community In schools training - workshops for all members of staff More info to schools about outside agencies that can help

14 Our recommendations School Food & Health Coordinators Commissioning role for regional training opportunities Sharing national/regional good practice and highlighting regional disparities Providing more in-depth training around consultation and participation methods for parents/families and multicultural issues + + + + +

15 Contact details Mavis Ames Lesley Berry Until 30 th March 2007 ? ? ? ? ? ?

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