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1 Embedding Careers provision at Bournemouth University Jacqui Gush Head of Graduate Employment Service

2 2 Breaking out, or breaking in? More a physical push rather than a curriculum initiative.

3 3 Working relationships outlined Academic School Academic School Academic School Graduate Employment Service Academic School Graduate Employment Service GES Academic School BEFOREAFTER

4 4 Background Well developed Placement support system including Placement Offices in Schools. Run by Placement Administrators who are GES staff Working with respective Schools they build expertise in relevant employment sectors and promote job vacancies within each School. Placement Development Advisors (PDA) who support students on placement.

5 5 Change Intentions To broaden the remit of these offices to offer a wider employability service to all students – re-titled GES School Offices, for ‘jobs, placements and careers’. For Careers Advisors to attach themselves to a particular School(s) and to operate from this office for specified times during week. PDAs to spend time based in School office. PA’s to be re-named Employability Co- ordinators

6 6 Objectives To better facilitate the engagement of students with employability Connecting the work of the GES with the activities of the Schools. To offer a more focused, meaningful service to students by employment sector. To facilitate a better sharing of information, eg. on employers, education practice etc. A centre for contact, meetings, discussion, advice, information, and queries.

7 7 Working Principles To maximise contact with students In t/t class sessions Inductions Arrange customised workshops 1-2-1 advice and guidance To build better working relationships with academic staff To use offices to facilitate other contact eg School Enterprise staff and Marketing.

8 8 Working Principles PDAs to spend more time in Schools working with 2 nd year students in preparation for placements and with 4 th years in building on placement experience Placement Administrators re-titled Employability Co-ordinators and trained in frontline advice and information services. EC’s co-ordinate bookings

9 9 Offices Re-location to larger space negotiated where necessary. Work station for CA/PDA when in School office Carefully controlled timetabled calendar. More IR’s in the Schools now. Furniture for informal interaction.

10 10 Monitoring Weekly records kept on; Reason for visit Student profile Staff involved F2F or by email Events attended Group sessions held

11 11 Monitoring End of 1 st Term student survey. Office statistics Report from CAs and PDAs including intentions for next term.

12 12 Findings 116 responses from students Majority were 2 nd years Reason for visit CV Advice Placement queries Job Search Get specific information

13 13 Findings 86% satisfaction from interaction with office 67% satisfaction with events attended. 33% ‘OK’ Events attended: Balance across workshops, lectures, seminars and employer presentations.

14 14 Findings Future intentions for accessing employability support; Visit School office – 71% Central GES – 12% Will not visit at all – 0% Will visit both School and centre office -17%

15 15 Conclusions Positive progress on; Building relationships with academic staff. Starting to be involved in staff team meetings. Getting into teaching class sessions, including extended inductions More opportunities for a greater number of workshops and group events arranged

16 16 Conclusions Positive progress on; Enabling easier contact with other areas, eg Enterprise. Students starting to see PDAs more as team members. More opportunity to support students in placement process Creates opportunities for closer working relationships and greater sharing across the team members.

17 17 Conclusions Positive progress on; PDAs believe that it has helped ensure students take earlier action on job applications Better monitoring of students is possible.

18 18 Conclusions Further work to be done; Still mainly 2 nd year students using the offices for placement preparation. Attendance by students is variable is outside t/t class sessions. Low numbers booking for 121 sessions with CAs. Not conclusive on whether we are attracting additional students.

19 19 Action going forward The Communication challenge – numbers not great yet. Need to attract more final years. Tweaking of attendance times to maximise student contact and prevent wasted time. Develop ‘surgery’concept. Conclusion - Best way to get to students is through the academic staff. Developing meaningful ‘e’ options.

20 20 Staff comments ‘ Good visibility for staff and student contact.’ ‘Overall links within the Employability Office are excellent’ ‘collaborative atmosphere creates a positive environment to share ideas and problem solve.’

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