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Literacy in the Age of Google Liz Yanoff, Teacher Education & Mary Lindner, Library Provisions April 19, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Literacy in the Age of Google Liz Yanoff, Teacher Education & Mary Lindner, Library Provisions April 19, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Literacy in the Age of Google Liz Yanoff, Teacher Education & Mary Lindner, Library Provisions April 19, 2016

2 What is literacy? According to the National Assessment of Adult Literacy (2003) Literacy is the ability to use printed and written information to function in society, to achieve one's goals, and to develop one's knowledge and potential. Successful use of printed material is a product of two classes of skills: Word-level reading skills Higher level literacy skills

3 _Literacies.html

4 Content Area Reading Focuses on strategies, similar across the disciplines, that readers can use to better understand the informational texts read in content area classrooms. Examples of strategies: Before reading – Students fill in the Know and Want to Know sections of a K-W-L chart (activate prior knowledge) During reading – Students identify the main idea or take structured notes After reading – Students fill in the Learned section of a K-W-L chart or write in response journals (synthesize information learned) Vacca, R. T., Vacca, J. L., & Mraz, M. (2014). Content area reading: Literacy and learning across the curriculum (Eleventh.). New York, NY: Pearson.

5 Content literacy in our social studies research: Synthesizing across sources Inquiry Chart (ReadWriteThink, 2011, abbreviated guides/inquiry-charts-charts-30762.html)

6 Content literacy in college: Writing a praxis paper in ECE 230

7 Content literacy in college: Identifying the topic sentence in ECE 230 Shout out: Writing Center resources!

8 Disciplinary Literacy Focuses on the aspects of reading and writing that are specific to each discipline. With the Reading Like a Historian Curriculum by the Stanford History Education Group, students “investigate historical questions [through a set of primary documents] by employing reading strategies such as sourcing, contextualizing, corroborating, and close reading.” Examples of contextualizing questions: When and where was the document created? What was different then? What was the same? How might the circumstances in which the document was created affect its content?

9 Disciplinary literacy in our social studies paper: Analyzing primary sources

10 Disciplinary literacy in education: Writing an objective in ECE 385/538 Given ____(Conditions)___, the learner will ___(Educational focus)___ as evidenced by ___(Observable behavior)___ with __(Criteria)__ % accuracy. Given a tens frame, the learner will demonstrate an understanding of the number 7 by placing chips in the appropriate boxes with 100% accuracy. Given a level A reader, the learner will read the text fluently with 100% accuracy.

11 Disciplinary literacy in college: Reading and summarizing an education article in ECE 230

12 The New Literacies Refers to “the new, digital literacies of online research and comprehension.” According to Leu and colleagues at The New Literacies Research Lab at UConn, students today need to be skilled at: Identifying important questions Locating useful information related to the problems that are identified Critically evaluating information that is found, often online Synthesizing multiple sources of online information and evaluating arguments to determine a solution Communicating effectively to others with digital technologies Monitoring and evaluating the results of decisions, modifying these as needed. A blend of traditional and digital literacies is required. Leu, D. J., Forzani, E., Burlingame, C., Kulikowich, J. M., Sedransk, N., Coiro, J., & Kennedy, C. (2013). The new literacies of online research and comprehension: Assessing and preparing students for the 21 st century with Common Core State Standards. In Neuman, S. B. & Gambrell, L. B. (Eds.) Quality reading instruction in the age of Common Core Standards. Newark, DE: International Reading Association.

13 New literacies in social studies: Finding/using digital content

14 New literacies in college: Online course for ECE 538

15 New literacies in college: Wimba classroom visits in SEE 380

16 Final thoughts The nature of literacy is constantly evolving. What are the literacies required for online research and comprehension? How do these new literacies intersect with and diverge from “traditional” literacies? What general literacy skills do our students need? What literacy skills do they need that are discipline specific? As a community, how do we support all the different literacies students need to be successful?

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