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Christmas Identity Theft A BIG Problem!. Four Questions… 1.What is Christmas? 1) What do people SAY? 2)What do people SEE? 3)What do people SCHEDULE?

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Presentation on theme: "Christmas Identity Theft A BIG Problem!. Four Questions… 1.What is Christmas? 1) What do people SAY? 2)What do people SEE? 3)What do people SCHEDULE?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Christmas Identity Theft A BIG Problem!

2 Four Questions… 1.What is Christmas? 1) What do people SAY? 2)What do people SEE? 3)What do people SCHEDULE? 4)How do people SPEND?

3 Four Questions… 1.What is Christmas? 2.Who do PEOPLE say Jesus is? 1)Good person 2)Great teacher 3)Miracle worker, etc.

4 Four Questions… 1.What is Christmas? 2.Who do PEOPLE say Jesus is? 3.Who does GOD say Jesus is? 1)Scriptures 2)Angels 3)Biblical people 4)What has happened?

5 Four Questions… 1.What is Christmas? 2.Who do PEOPLE say Jesus is? 3.Who does GOD say Jesus is? 4.Who do YOU say Jesus is? 1)Agree with people? 2)Agree with God?

6 Just one more…What will you do differently THIS year? 1)With what you SAY? 2)With what you SEE? 3)With what you SCHEDULE? 4)With how you SPEND?


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