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One–Point Perspective For this project you are going to learn how perspective in a drawing can give it a sense of depth and make the object appear three-

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Presentation on theme: "One–Point Perspective For this project you are going to learn how perspective in a drawing can give it a sense of depth and make the object appear three-"— Presentation transcript:

1 One–Point Perspective For this project you are going to learn how perspective in a drawing can give it a sense of depth and make the object appear three- dimensional.

2 6 th Grade Art Club: Perspective Words Draw the alphabet in lower and upper case bubble or block letters

3 Step #1: Think of a word or name that is preferably 5-6 letters in length. Step #2: Using a ruler to divide the 12x18 sheet of paper as described below: * Find the ½ way point on all sides and draw a light line

4 * Measure on the 12 inch side and make marks at 4” and 8”. Do this on both sides and then draw a light line.

5 Step #3 – Find the center of your word. For example if your word is ICE, then the center is the letter “C”. If your word is FIRE, then the center is the space between the “I” and “R”. Write the word in LIGHTLY using just LINES to get the spacing accurate. Start in the center are work outward.

6 Step #4 – Turn the lines into Block letters.

7 Step #5 – Pick a vanishing point either above or below the word in the center. Draw LIGHT lines from the each corner and round edge of a letter to the vanishing point. Do not draw lines that will intersect through the letter itself.


9 Click on the link to see a demonstration for each letter: How to Draw 3D letters How to Draw 3D letters

10 Step #6 – Create a cut-off point for all the letters.


12 7 th Grade Art Club Design a postcard using the perspective to make the letters look three dimensional.




16 The Postcard can be from a place you have never visited or a place you created in your head!


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