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Module 5 Monitoring and Complaints Ohio Policy and Rule on Positive Behavior Intervention & Supports and Restraint & Seclusion.

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1 Module 5 Monitoring and Complaints Ohio Policy and Rule on Positive Behavior Intervention & Supports and Restraint & Seclusion

2 State Monitoring  Responsibilities of the State Department of Education:  The periodic review of the state policy on PBIS.  Review of district records concerning this policy.

3 District monitoring Responsibilities of educational agencies: Establish a monitoring procedure as part of their restraint and seclusion policy. Make all records concerning the use of restraint and seclusion available to the Ohio Department of Education.

4 School District Complaint Procedures LEA policies & procedures must include: A procedure for a parent to present written complaints to the superintendent to initiate investigation regarding an incident of restraint or seclusion; The district is required to respond to the parent’s complaint within 30 days.

5 IDEA Complaint Process for Students with Disabilities A parent of a student with a disability may choose to file a complaint with the Ohio Department of Education, Office for Exceptional Children consistent with complaint procedures available concerning students with disabilities.

6 For more information State Support Team PBIS_Restraint_Seclusion_ Questions@education.ohio. govPBIS_Restraint_Seclusion_ Questions@education.ohio. gov Michael Petrasek @ ODE (

7 References Governor’s Executive Order 2009-13S: prone-restraints.pdf State of Ohio Policy on Restraint and Seclusion Practices (May 17, 2010): 20POLICY%205-17-10%20FINAL%20(2).doc Restraint and Seclusion: Resource Document: and-seclusion-resources.pdf and-seclusion-resources.pdf

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