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بسم الله الحمن الرحيم (قل ان صلاتي و نسكي و محياي ومماتي لله رب العالمين لا شريك له وبدلك امرت وأنا اول المسلمين) قال رب اشرح لى صدرى ويسر لى أمرى.

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Presentation on theme: "بسم الله الحمن الرحيم (قل ان صلاتي و نسكي و محياي ومماتي لله رب العالمين لا شريك له وبدلك امرت وأنا اول المسلمين) قال رب اشرح لى صدرى ويسر لى أمرى."— Presentation transcript:

1 بسم الله الحمن الرحيم (قل ان صلاتي و نسكي و محياي ومماتي لله رب العالمين لا شريك له وبدلك امرت وأنا اول المسلمين) قال رب اشرح لى صدرى ويسر لى أمرى واحلل عقدة من لسانى يفقهوا قولى طه 25-28

2 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Turbinate surgery

3 ITH: It is an important cause of nasal obstruction .
Inferior turbinate ITH: It is an important cause of nasal obstruction .

4 Afrin test Is a test to diagnose the ITH .
5 drops in the nose of the patient. After 10 min ask the patient about breathing

5 Afrin test If there is improvement in air way, this mean +ve test.
This mean the patient will get benefit from turbinate surgery.

6 Concha bullosa It is an air filed middle turbinate which can lead to nasal obstruction

7 Management of ITH Medical treatment Corticosteroid spray
Anti histamine Local injection of IT

8 Management of ITH Surgical treatment
1-Turbinectomy: complete excision of IT 2-Partial turbinectomy: excision of anterior half of IT 3-Sub mucosal resection

9 Most common used technique, easy, and give nice results.
Management of ITH 4- unipolar, bipolar or RF Submucosal technique: Most common used technique, easy, and give nice results.

10 The best management of ITH is SMD using bipolar on low power with special probe( Binner probe) + lateralization of both inferior turbinates.

11 Technique of SMD Local Anesthesia:
Use cotton socked with xyllocaine only. Wait for 15 min. Then start your operation.

12 - Cautery done in 3 or 4 different areas along the inferior turbinat.
-Binner probe is inserted in submucosal space between mucosa and conchal bone -Applied diathermy for 10 sec.

13 - If there is pain or the patient un cooperative… you can inject LA.

14 Post operative nasal packing
- Usually not needed , just cotton with adrenaline or otrivin for 30 min enough.

15 Technique of SMD General Anesthesia: Done alone or with septoplasty.
Lateralization of IT Usually no need of nasal pack, how?.

16 Post operative care & cleaning
-AB -Pain killer -Nasal wash -Bepanthen cream. -Frequent suction and cleaning is needed.

17 Post operative care & cleaning
-new method discovered by us to minimize post operative care & cleaning, by using air way nasal splint.

18 Management of conch bullosa
Surgical intervention By excision of conch using sickle or scissors removing the lateral wall.

19 Please visit: www.Zahrawi.Ly
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