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For each property give an explanation see e.g.

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1 For each property give an explanation see e.g.
Iodine water Carbon dioxide Sodium chloride Copper (II) suphate Iron (I) oxide Diamond Quartz graphite . Type of bonding with definition Melting and boiling point Hard, sort or brittle ? Brittle Because forms a giant ionic lattice, when one layer of ions pushed over another layer opposite charges line up and repel each other, breaking off layers of the lattice. Conducts ? For each property give an explanation see e.g.

2 Metallic bonding Starter 1. write title
2. In which type of elements does metallic bonding take place ? 3. Name 3 substances where you will find metallic bonding. 4. List the properties of metals. EXTENSION what is an alloy and what are its properties ?

3 Metallic bonding 2. In which type of elements does metallic bonding take place ? Metals 3. Name 3 substances where you will find metallic bonding. Any metal Or metal alloy

4 Metallic bonding 4. List the properties of metals Strong High melting point High boiling point Conduct electricity Conduct heat Malleable (easily beaten into shape) Ductile (easily pulled into wires)

5 Metallic bonding Aims. To be able to describe and draw the metallic bonding To know the properties of metals To relate the properties of metals to their structure Extension to practise past exam paper questions on metallic bonding Extension to comparing types of bonding.

6 To be able to describe and draw the metallic bonding
Key point-metals easily lose their outer electrons Extension why ? Metals have less number of valence electrons while non metals have more number of them. If there are less valence electrons it is easy to lose them in order to attain stability or reach the electronic configuration of noble gas.

7 To be able to describe and draw the metallic bonding
Key point-Outer electrons are free to move-DELOCALISED -Leaving behind a metal CATION

8 Copy: Metal Structure Write the EXAM description and Definition (WRITE THIS IN YOUR BONDING COMPARISON TABLE also) Description- “An Array of positive metal ions in a sea of delocalised electrons” Definition -the attraction between the array of positive metal ions and the sea of delocalised electrons. 2. Draw the metallic bonding in sodium (page 20) Delocalised electrons from outer shells of metal 3. Extension draw the metallic bonding in Magnesium

9 Copy: Metal Structure 3. Extension draw the metallic bonding in Magnesium (for 9 magnesium cations there should be 18 electrons) e- e- e- Mg2+ Mg2+ Mg2+ e- e- e- e- e- Mg2+ Mg2+ Mg2+ e- e- e- e- e- e- Mg2+ Mg2+ Mg2+ e- e- e- e-

10 Copy: Metal Structure Use page 20 to explain why sodium can be easily cut with a knife but magnesium can not. Mg2+ e-

11 Copy: Metal Structure Use page 20 to explain why sodium can be easily cut with a knife but magnesium can not. 1. In sodium the attraction between the seas of delocalised electrons and array of metal ions is weaker -In sodium there is only one electron per Na+ -In magnesium there is two electrons and a 2+ positive charge on the magnesium 2. The ions do not pack very efficiently.

12 2. To know the properties of metals
You should have written this down from the starter.....if not you will need to do this for homework use page in the text book.

13 3. To relate the properties of metals to their structure
Strong- Powerful attractions between _______ metal ions and the ________ ___________________ B. High melting and boiling points- Metals form g_____ m_____ s_____. There are _____ attractions between _________________ Extension Q. 4 pg 32.-comparison of bonding

14 3. To relate the properties of metals to their structure
Strong- Powerful attractions between _______ metal ions and the ________ ___________________ B. High melting and boiling points- Metals form g_____ m_____ s_____. There are _____ attractions between _________________ Extension Q. 4 pg 32.-comparison of bonding Array of Positive Sea of Delocalised electrons etallic tructure iant Strong The array of positive metal ions and the sea of delocalised electrons

15 Metals conduct electricity because.....
Metallic Bonding Metals conduct electricity because..... Metallic Bonding

16 Metals conduct heat because.....
Metallic Bonding Metals conduct heat because..... Metals conduct heat because..... Metallic Bonding

17 Dr Brown’s Chemistry. http://www. docbrown
Great quizzes to quickly test yourself. Only look at the parts of the specification you need to (Higher, or triple) Make sure you go to the edexcel IGCSE link Chemguide Good videos and revision notes. Make sure you go to the edexcel IGCSE link Knockhardy publishing Great power points but not IGCSE specific, a good place to get clear explanations FROG Past papers and mark schemes a must! Also revision power points and notes.

18 Metals conduct heat because.....
Metallic Bonding Metals conduct heat because..... Metals conduct heat because..... Electrons pick up energy and move throughout the structure. As electrons move heat energy is transferres Metallic Bonding

19 Metals are ductile and malleable because.....
Metals are made of an array of positive metal ions and a sea of delocalised electrons The Metal ions are arranged in layers 3. When a force is applied layers can slide over each other The attraction between the ions and electrons remains e.g. The metallic bonds are still there Metallic Bonding Metallic Bonding

20 Ductile-draw into a wire

21 Ductile-draw into a wire

22 Independent work Use page 25 draw a labelled diagram of an alloy
Explain how alloys can make a metal harder Name 3 alloys and for each one give a property and use. Exam paper

23 Alloys

24 Complete the past paper
Mark your past paper writing down the correct answer.

25 Metallic bonding Plenary How did I get on ?
To be able to describe and draw the metallic bonding To know the properties of metals To relate the properties of metals to their structure Extension to practise past exam paper questions on metallic bonding Extension to comparing types of bonding.

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