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Review of Tutor Terms and Conditions January 2016.

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1 Review of Tutor Terms and Conditions January 2016

2 Why review? new terms and conditions were introduced for September 2014 at the time of this introduction it was agreed that these would be reviewed after one academic year for ease of use and affordability This review has found: has not simplified tutor pay as originally intended. there is still some confusion with regard to hourly rates and up lift it is still difficult to accurately forecast costs against the College tutor budget. that new system introduced is not affordable going forwards

3 Key objectives of the review to align Tutor pay with national teaching pay scales to recognise the professional status of our tutors; to simplify the system of payment to tutors by adopting the teachers’ pay scale that will combine into one holistic hourly rate : - contact hours, - preparation, - marking - holiday pay tutors can see exactly what payment to expect for each course that they teach

4 Key objectives of the review to reflect differences in the level of skills and experience required to deliver different types of course; to introduce a pay system that wraps up all payments into one consolidated amount in order to provide greater certainty about costs of the service ensuring that the new arrangements are affordable within the existing financial resources; to ensure that College priories are reflected ensure that they are achievable within the timescale for delivery going forward

5 What does this mean? One tutor job description A review of pay that tutors received in 2013/14 against both the new pay introduced in 2014/15 and against the teachers’ pay scale The introduction of the national teachers’ pay scale where tutors can be assigned to a point on the scale that reflects the complexity, level of course and its contribution to TLC Bexley’s priorities; To individually look at tutors and see where they might be assimilated onto the teachers’ pay scale; The discontinuation of the current course uplift system which determines the amount of course preparation, marking etc. time

6 What does this mean? Application of Council-wide terms and conditions of service with the exception of some of the terms and conditions (as outlined in the rationale) Continuation of a contractual requirement to undertake training and attend curriculum and related meetings as required which will be incorporated in the overall salary. Continuation of payments and pay dates in accordance with current arrangements Clarification of how pay progression will be managed and what good performance looks like with clearly set out consequences for continued poor performance.

7 Week commencing 11 January 2016 Consultation process commences 12.30 Wednesday 13 January 2016 18:00 Thursday 14 January 2016 Staff and trade union consultation briefings 24 February 2016Consultation closes Throughout the consultationFeedback on results of consultation to Tutors and their representatives End of 45 daysFinalisation of any changes to existing terms and conditions of employment Subject to achievement of Collective Agreement. Aiming to implement by no later than 1 April 2016 but subject to consultation processes. Issue revised contracts of employment

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