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Seethapathy Chander Chair, Energy Committee Asian Development Bank ASIA SOLAR ENERGY FORUM THE WAY FORWARD.

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Presentation on theme: "Seethapathy Chander Chair, Energy Committee Asian Development Bank ASIA SOLAR ENERGY FORUM THE WAY FORWARD."— Presentation transcript:

1 Seethapathy Chander Chair, Energy Committee Asian Development Bank ASIA SOLAR ENERGY FORUM THE WAY FORWARD

2 MAIN ISSUES Is ASEF needed? How long will it be needed? Structure Location of HQ, Charter Sustainability

3 TODAY’S SESSION Presentation by Consultant Chair’s suggestions based on pre-meeting consultations Views from the floor Conclusions

4 CHAIR’S SUGGESTIONS Is ASEF needed? –Yes. How long will it be needed? –Definitely for the next 10 years, maybe longer since Asia’s experience can benefit other regions. Structure –Non-governmental, not-for-profit society, governed by a board of governors, and managed by a secretary general.

5 CHAIR’S SUGGESTIONS Location of HQ, Charter of ASEF, –To be decided by a preparatory committee (PC) appointed for this purpose. Sustainability – ADB will finance one more meeting of ASEF and underwrite preliminary expenses. Expenses for future meetings as well as operating expenses will be met from subscriptions from members. PC will examine and report on this issue also.

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