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The ways different generations see and use the available technology.

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Presentation on theme: "The ways different generations see and use the available technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 The ways different generations see and use the available technology

2 Cristina Valle and Laura Defalco

3 What is Technology? The computer The stereo The projector The television The VCR/DVD player Smart boards Any others?

4 Digital Natives Anyone who grew up with computers in the home, and an mp3 player in their hands.


6 Digital Natives Prefer: Receiving their info quickly Multi-Tasking and parallel processing Pictures, sounds, and video before text Hyperlinked sources Interacting in “real-time” User generated content Learning that is instant, relevant, and fun


8 Digital Immigrants Anyone who did not grow up with a computer in their home but had a record player. Also anyone who remembers getting their first colored TV.


10 Digital Immigrants Prefer: Controlled release of info from limited sources Single or focused tasks Often prefer to get information from texts Greater need for private and personal space for introspection Like info presented linearly, logically, and sequentially

11 Things we hear… (on the internet) “Can you come look at the computer? Something happened when I was using that… that Mozzarella Foxfire. I don’t know.” Mom: What does IDK mean? Me: I don’t know Mom: Don’t lie to me!

12 Continued “Don’t you dare open another window on that internet! They’ll charge me double!” On the phone with her mom (she just learned how to check her emails) and she asked me for my email-address. I gave it to her saying “… at aol dot com” – she asks: “How do I spell dot – D-O-T?”

13 Just a few more “Can you please go on the computer and googalize something for me?“ “Look it up on your fancy earpod” “Wait! Don’t send me that e-mail yet! My computer isn’t on and I won’t receive it.” Do you have a Google where you live?

14 Digital Natives in the Classroom Find using technology easier Are able to help students with technology Tend to incorporate more lessons with technology Use technology in and out of school, (work)

15 Digital Immigrants in the Classroom Tend to use less technology Tend to make lessons that do not often incorporate technology Aren’t able to help students with technology Don’t use technology much themselves

16 Why it’s important to use technology in the classroom Gives all students an active roll instead of a passive roll Students are able to make decisions on what is shown in their work Supports authentic tasks (creating brochure…) Teacher no longer the center of attention, and becomes a facilitator

17 Continued Increases motivation and self esteem Students learn at an early age to use multiple software programs Helps prepare students for future (jobs) Gives students confidence to learn the changing software

18 Just a few more Technology always changes so students always learn new ways of doing things Keeps students attentions longer The sky's the limit!

19 Talking to a Digital Immigrant Technology has changed over the last 20 years “For somebody like me technology is great and a headache.” “Just got a smart board and the smart board is smarter than the teacher…” Frustrating!

20 Survey Results At least one person is against using technology in the classroom, even though they feel confident in using the technology. Those who responded are considered digital immigrants Most wouldn’t use technology in their classroom

21 Continued Most said they would benefit from classes on using and integrating technology in the classroom. Most also said that they did feel comfortable using the technology that was available to them.


23 Resources jpg jpg n_I/AAAAAAAAAX4/c9moY8MzHD8/s400/born_digital_native.jpg n_I/AAAAAAAAAX4/c9moY8MzHD8/s400/born_digital_native.jpg i6I/AAAAAAAAAVA/Q03pHKWownA/s400/digital+immigrant.png i6I/AAAAAAAAAVA/Q03pHKWownA/s400/digital+immigrant.png

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