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Tempo and Dynamic Markings. LARGO A Very Slow Tempo.

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Presentation on theme: "Tempo and Dynamic Markings. LARGO A Very Slow Tempo."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tempo and Dynamic Markings

2 LARGO A Very Slow Tempo

3 ADAGIO A Slow Tempo 1 Hippopotamus

4 MODERATO A moderate tempo or comfortable "walking pace" 1 Hippo

5 ALLEGRO A fast tempo 1 Hip

6 PRESTO A very fast tempo 1 - 2 - 3 - 4

7 pp- pianissimo-very soft p-piano-soft mp-mezzo piano-medium soft mf-mezzo forte-medium loud f-forte-loud ff-fortissimo-very loud fff-fortississimo-very very loud Crescendo Decrescendo -issimo = VERY mezzo = MEDIUM

8 1. Why would dynamics and tempo markings be so important for composers? 2. What kind of tempo and dynamics would a funeral march have? 3. What kind of tempo and dynamics would an aerobic workout song have? 4. What kind of tempo and dynamics do you hear at a rock concert? 5. What kind of tempo and dynamics do you hear at a church or wedding?


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