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The Alamo and Goliad Texas History Chapter 10. Missed Opportunity Santa Anna had to travel 800 miles to get to San Antonio. During this time the Texans.

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1 The Alamo and Goliad Texas History Chapter 10

2 Missed Opportunity Santa Anna had to travel 800 miles to get to San Antonio. During this time the Texans wasted many opportunities to prepare for war. 1.Many soldiers returned home after capture of San Antonio 2.No strong leadership 3.Lack of organization

3 Texas Volunteers Reasons many men volunteered to fight: 1.Wanted land that was promised to them 2.Strong belief in liberty 3.Spirit of adventure Many of the volunteers were unknown, just a handful were famous- such as David Crockett, James Bowie, Sam Houston

4 Santa Anna’s Army Santa Anna moved his army of 6,000 soldiers into Texas. Many of the troops were new recruits and the Mexican military had problems which included: 1.Soldiers untrained & undisciplined 2.Poorly clothed & fed 3.Old muskets & poor equipment 4.Many forced to fight against their will

5 Santa Anna Moves North Mexico forces moving north towards the Alamo were organized into 2 groups. 1.Santa Anna going to San Antonio. 2.General Jose Urrea going to Goliad

6 Texas Military Force Texas military was divided up into small groups: 1. Colonel James Neill had 100 men in San Antonio 2. Colonel James Fannin had 400 men at Goliad 3. Colonel Francis Johnson and James Grant had 100 men at San Patricio

7 Texans in The Alamo The mission San Antonio de Valero was built in 1718. It had at one time had a Spanish company from Alamo de Parras, which was from Mexico…therefore that is how it got the name the Alamo. Colonel Neill had 104 soldiers in the Alamo- with little guns.

8 Sam Houston Orders Sam Houston became concerned that Texas troops were so disorganized. Jan. 17, 1836 -Houston ordered James Bowie to go to San Antonio to destroy the Alamo and remove all weapons and ammunition. Houston was hoping that this action would buy time to allow the Texans to regroup.

9 James Bowie When Bowie went to the Alamo he made the decision to disobey Sam Houston. Bowie thought the Alamo was too important to leave undefended. Bowie wrote a letter saying- “that he would rather die in these ditches than give it up to the enemy.”

10 Texas Reinforcements Soon after Bowie decided to keep the Alamo reinforcements arrived to help the Texans. 1. Colonel William Travis with 30 men 2. Juan Seguin with 10 Tejanos 3. James Bonham with several men 4. David Crockett with 13 volunteers from Tennessee.

11 Leader of the Alamo First leader at the Alamo was Colonel Neill- he left the Alamo because of family illness A dispute over leadership was then between William Travis and James Bowie. The volunteers wanted James Bowie. The regular army wanted William Travis. James Bowie was elected leader of the volunteers until he became ill. Bowie then turned leadership over to William Travis.

12 Chapter 10 Section 2

13 Santa Anna in San Antonio The group of Mexican soldiers arrived in San Antonio on February 23, 1836. The Texans were caught by surprise because: 1. It was cold and rainy when the Mexican troops arrived, the Texans thought the weather would keep the Mexican troops away.

14 2. The Texans underestimated the anger and determination of Santa Anna. 3. Santa Anna’s wanting a complete and quick victory

15 Colonel William Travis William Travis emerged as the commander of the Alamo for the Texans. When the Santa Anna arrived, Travis ordered all the Texans, supplies, & ammunition into the Alamo. Cannons were mounted on the walls of the Alamo.

16 Good Defense The Texans had a good defensive because: 1.The walls to the Alamo were 2 & 3 feet thick 2.21 cannons were mounted 3.Good supplies of beef and corn 4.Plenty of water

17 Bad Defense The major weakness of the Alamo included: 1.Parts of the Alamo was incomplete 2.A large gap between the chapel and south wall 3.The large size of the Alamo was too much for the fewer than 200 men to defend

18 The Alamo The Alamo is made up of: 1. Chapel 2. Hospital 3. Cattle Pens 4. Convent 5. Mission Square 6. 21 Cannons 7. Irrigation Channel The Alamo covered about 2-3 acres, with about 150-180 Texans defending it.

19 Texas & Mexico Meeting Santa Anna demanded that the Texans surrender. William Travis responded to the demand with a cannon being fired towards the Mexican soldiers. This action showed the clear stance that the Texans were going to fight.

20 February 24, 1836 The fighting at the Alamo began on Feb. 24, 1836. The Mexican cannons bombarded the Alamo for hours, with very little Texas gun fire. The Texans were saving ammunition for a full attack.

21 The night of the Feb. 24, 1836, William Travis wrote a letter “To the People of Texas & all Americans of the world.” In the letter Travis pleaded for help in the name of liberty, patriotism, and everything dear to the American character.

22 188 vs 5,000 The Texans eventually had about 188 men. The Mexican had around 5,000 men. William Travis made one last plead for help from the Americans, but received very little.

23 Travis Legend Texas legend said that William Travis drew a line in the dirt with his sword. He told the Texas soldiers they had a choice to make, fight or go home. Those that crossed the line would stay and fight, legend claims that all the Texans but one crossed over. Those men would soon face death. All but one man crossed the line- Louis “Moses” Rose

24 The Fall of the Alamo March 6, 1836- The Texans were awaken by the Mexican army band playing “El Deguello.” The song meant take no prisoners and show no mercy. The full attack by the Mexican army started before dawn.

25 The Mexican attack on the Alamo came in three waves or attempts. The first two attempts ended with the Texans pushing the Mexicans back into retreat. It was the third attempt that was fatal to the Texans. On the third attempt the Mexicans entered the Alamo by the hundreds.

26 The Mexican soldiers entered the Alamo by ladders, once inside they captured Texas cannons and turned them against the Alamo. As the smoke cleared around 250 Texans dead, with around 600 Mexican soldiers also dead. Santa Anna did spare several women and children.

27 Results of the Alamo 1. Santa Anna believed that with his win at the Alamo it would send a warning to the Texans that he couldn’t be defeated. 2. To the Texans the Alamo became a symbol to fight Santa Anna at all cost. 3. To the Americans the Alamo became a symbol of courage that the Texans had. Soon the battle cry “Remember the Alamo” became famous to Texans.

28 Chapter 10 Section3

29 Mexican Colonel Urea March While the fighting at the Alamo, Mexican Colonel Urea marched about 1,000 men into Texas. Urea destroyed three Texas Army groups: 1.At San Patricio 2.At Refugio 3.At Victoria

30 Battle of Coleto Texas Colonel Fannin was stationed in Goliad. Sam Houston orders Fannin to leave Goliad immediately, but Fannin is slow in leaving because: 1.Fannin was waiting for reinforcements 2.Oxens were slow in pulling cannon The slow movement of Fannin’s troops allowed the Mexican Colonel Urea to surround Fannin at Coleto Creek (about 3 miles from Goliad)

31 Fannin was greatly out numbered by the Mexican soldiers, and had to surrender. Fannin and his troops were marched back to Goliad as prisoners. Urrea promised Fannin that they would be treated fairly, but Santa Anna had other plans.

32 Urrea wrote to Santa Anna asking permission to keep the Texans as prisoners of war instead of killing them. Santa Anna replied that if any one was captured taking up arms against Mexico they must be executed immediately. On March 27, 1836 the Texas prisoners were marched onto the prairie near the fort.

33 Massacre at Goliad A Mexican firing squad began to shoot about 350 Texans. Some escaped by running or hiding, Francisca Alcarez (a nurse) help hide many Texans, she became known as the “Angel of Goliad.” The Texans now had another battle cry: “Remember Goliad!”

34 Lessons of the Alamo & Goliad After the Alamo Santa Anna was over confident. He felt it would be easy to drive the Texas rebels out of Texas. As a result of the battle of the Alamo: 1.Santa Anna lost a lot of professional soldiers 2.Forcing the Mexican soldiers to fight at the Alamo caused a delay, which allowed the Texans to better organize in other places 3.News of the battle inspired U.S. citizens to aid the Texans (people and money) 4.The defeat at the Alamo and Goliad only made the Texans want freedom more

35 5. Texans learned that one leader was needed for the Volunteer and the Regular Armies 6. Texans learned not to fight the Mexican troops in open prairies 7. Two rally cries developed: A. Remember the Alamo B. Remember Goliad

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