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Presentation on theme: "CULTURAL and MEDICAL ASPECTS OF DEAFNESS"— Presentation transcript:

deaf vs. Deaf

2 Little d – deaf Is the Medical or pathological perspective .. views deafness as a DISABILITY.

3 The cultural perspective views deafness as a DIFFERENCE!
Big D – Deaf The cultural perspective views deafness as a DIFFERENCE! ASHLEY FIOLEK- different!! not disabled!!! YouTube - X Games - Ashley Fiolek overcomes being deaf to be a motocross racer &persist_safety_mode=1&safe=active sDOJ-k&safety_mode=true&persist_safety_mode=1&safe=active

4 Little d Medical or audiological perspective .. defines “deafness” as a pathological condition distinguishing ABNORMAL deaf people from NORMAL hearing people!

5 Big D The cultural perspective defines deafness as linguistic and cultural minority who can do ANYTHING but HEAR! Miss America 1995 Heather Whitestone &safety_mode=true&persist_safety_mode=1&safe=active Focus on the person’s ability

6 deaf Deaf Seeks to CURE Deafness!!!
Medical perspective wants to hide any evidence of deafness. The cultural perspective openly acknowledges deafness. Seeks to CURE Deafness!!! Emphasize on the abilities of a deaf person.

7 With the deaf perspective, full attention and focus are given to…
using hearing aides and other devices that focus on speech. deaf perspective believe every child should learn to speak! YouTube - Speech Therapy 22 Months

8 Cultural PERSPECTIVE focuses on communication access through VISUAL means…
INCLUDING ASL /watch?v=8DkrkzfF8Tk& NR=1&safety_mode=true &persist_safety_mode=1 m/watch?v=UrvaSqN76h 4

9 deaf vs. Deaf Medical perspective Cultural perspective
Believe deaf people can’t… Decribe sign language as inferior to spoken language Regard the “normal hearing person” as the best role model Neither accept nor support a separate “deaf culture.” Believe Deaf people can… View sign language as equal to spoken language Regard successful deaf adults as positive role models for deaf children Respect, value and support language and culture of deaf people.

10 deaf Some don’t believe that deaf should socialize and/or get married

11 Deaf Tend to NOT mouth while signing ; use “true ASL” Self-Advocate Can sometimes become frustrated with hearing people for their ignorance

12 What is your perspective?
“d”eaf- audiological or medical condition to be fixed PATHOLOGY- deafness as a disease/ disability Handicapped view- focusing on what deaf people CAN’T do

13 Or “D”eafness is a difference…
Deaf can do anything but hear! I . King Jordan “D”eaf is…. culture and community


15 Review Deaf vs. deaf Which?
Believes a deaf person needs to be fixed or cured. Cultural model Uses sign language. Believes deafness is a problem. Focuses on speech Believes deaf people CAN’T Proud to be deaf, no need to be fixed..

16 Deaf vs. deaf Which? Views deafness as a difference.
Denies or hides deafness Believes deaf people CAN Views deafness as a culture Views deafness as a disability Medical model Uses technology like hearing aids and other devices


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