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SS6H7: b  Explain the impact of WWII in terms of the Holocaust, the origins of the Cold War and the rise of Superpowers.

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Presentation on theme: "SS6H7: b  Explain the impact of WWII in terms of the Holocaust, the origins of the Cold War and the rise of Superpowers."— Presentation transcript:

1 SS6H7: b  Explain the impact of WWII in terms of the Holocaust, the origins of the Cold War and the rise of Superpowers

2 WWII-The causes  W WI-the way it ended. The Treaty of Versailles-placing all blame upon Germany  A ppeasement: No European country wanted to get involved in another war  Therefore, they “appeased” (which means to keep peace, or avoid war) Hitler in Germany  R ise of Totalitarianism: Dictators were on the rise and wanted MORE power and land (EX: Hitler or Joseph Stalin)

3 WWII: The Alliances Allied Powers  Great Britain  France (only involved for 6 weeks)  Soviet Union  U.S. (later) Axis Powers  Germany  Italy  Japan

4 WWII: How it started  Germany BROKE treaty of Versailles  Started building army  INVADED POLAND in 1939  Allies then declare war on Germany  Germany then invades France, Belgium, and several other countries  Germany uses BLITZKRIEG tactic  “Blitzkrieg” means lightning war

5 WWII: How did the US get involved?  December 7, 1941 the Japanese BOMBED Pearl Harbor in Hawaii  It was a Sunday morning - U.S. military was taken off guard  2 full blown attacks on Pearl Harbor December 7, 1941  Impact/Damage on U.S. o 2,400 U.S. military and civilians lost their lives o 1,178 U.S. military and civilians wounded o 18 ships and 350 planes sunk or damaged

6 US bombs Japan w/Atomic BOMB  Hiroshima  August 6, 1945  In 43 seconds, the city collapsed to dust  Nagasaki  August 9, 1945  Leveled half of the city

7 How did WWII end?  OPERATION OVERLOAD: allied invasion of France (called D-Day)  Within 1 month 1 million Allied soldiers occupied Europe  Germany surrounded with Allied soldiers on west and Soviet soldiers on East  Germany surrenders in 1945 AFTER Hitler commits suicide

8 WWII OVER now what to do with Germany-the trouble maker??  Allied powers wanted to disarm Germany COMPLETELY  US, France, and Great Britain wanted GER to establish a Democratic economy  Soviet Union wanted GER to establish a COMMUNIST ECONOMY like they had  People in GER and Japan were put on trial for being responsible for war

9 WWII is over  Allied powers decide to divide Germany  East Germany=Soviet control  West Germany=  US  France  Great Britain

10 What was the Holocaust?  The Holocaust occurred DURING WWII in Germany and several concentration camps throughout Europe genocide  It was the systematic killing of 6 million Jews (genocide=the killing of a specific group/race in an area)  5 million others were killed (gypsies, mentally ill, homosexuals)




14 WWII=OVER…what now? The challenges facing Post War Europe were daunting (huge):  Rebuild an entire continent devastated by total war  Agreement between two rival ideologies:  Capitalism and Communism  The future of Germany  Guarantee peace & prosperity for citizens  Protection of the Jews

15 Establishment of Israel  After World War II MASSIVE REFUGEE CRISIS  Jews not allowed to or were unwilling to return to Eastern Europe because of continued anti-Semitism.  Homes taken over=no where to live  UN CREATED 2 states were created; one Jewish and one Arab. The Arabic countries did not accept this.

16 The United Nations (UN)  Created in June 1946  Headquartered in NYC  GOAL: promote peace among the world

17 What about the “winners?”  US & Soviet Union are “Superpowers”  Other countries (GB, France, Japan) suffered too much damage POST WWII to be a “superpower”  Dividing GER and not agreeing on what type of gov’t to establish led to a “war” between the allied powers and Soviet Union.

18 Superpowers led to Cold War  Time of great political tension between the United States and the Soviet Union.  Berlin (city in Germany) was divided into two parts by Berlin Wall -known as the “Iron Curtain”  It was not a real curtain but meant that one side could not cross to the other  East-controlled by S.U. (communist)  West-controlled by U.S (democratic)



21 Check point Charlie

22 Cold War  It was not an actual WAR but rather a race of the superpowers  Both U.S. and Soviet Union created nuclear weapons  Both superpowers knew that using these against each other would result in world-wide destruction

23 Cold War continued  In 1949 Western European countries, Canada, and the United States formed created the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)  NATO was an alliance to protect each other  Eastern European countries signed the Warsaw Pact

24 Wrap Up Questions:  What were the 3 causes of WWII?  Who were the two alliances? Who was in each?  Who was the Nazi party? Who was in charge?  What is the Holocaust?  What term means “hatred towards Jews?”  Who was in charge of the Soviet Union during WWII and the Cold War?  What 2 countries were “superpowers?”

25 Wrap up Questions continued:  What is NATO?  Who was involved?  What is the Warsaw Pact?  Who was involved?  What was the Berlin Wall?  Who controlled the EAST?  Who controlled the WEST?  What was the Cold War?

26 End of Soviet Union  Spending money CONSTANTLY  Ending Revolts  Protecting Borders  Keeping up with the U.S.  By 1985 country was SO UNSTABLE that Mikhail Gorbachev took over  Reduced gov’t control  Increased freedoms

27 FALL OF SOVIET UNION & Reunification of Germany  November 1989 Berlin Wall TAKEN DOWN  Germany was beginning the process of REUNIFICATION  EAST & WEST GER became one country in 1990  SOVIET UNION fell  people wanted independence  Several countries created, but RUSSIA was the largest

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