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H. Danared | Collaboration Board | Page 1 Status of In-Kind Contributions Håkan Danared Legnaro, 1 December 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "H. Danared | Collaboration Board | Page 1 Status of In-Kind Contributions Håkan Danared Legnaro, 1 December 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 H. Danared | Collaboration Board | Page 1 Status of In-Kind Contributions Håkan Danared Legnaro, 1 December 2014

2 H. Danared | Collaboration Board | Page 2 An in-kind contribution is by definition a non-cash contribution by a member country to ESS It can be in the form of: Technical components for the facility (also personnel needed to perform the testing, installation and/or integration) R&D work (also personnel needed to perform the work) Personnel made available for specific tasks during the construction phase Other products and services relevant for the completion of the facility In-Kind Contributions

3 H. Danared | Collaboration Board | Page 3 Target station 154 M€ Accelerator 522 M€ NSS/Instruments 350 M€ In-kind Cash Total construction cost: 1.843 billion € ESS In-kind Contributions Potential

4 H. Danared | Collaboration Board | Page 4 Suitable in-kind contributions are defined by ESS Programme Plan Values laid down in the cost-book Each IKC is subject to a written contract between ESS and delivering partner Each contract to follow a fixed structure The delivering party is wholly responsible for the contribution (technical, financial, commercial perspective) In-Kind Review Committee to evaluate and recommend all IKC contract proposals ESS Council to approve all in-kind contracts Based on final approval Member Country gets accredited the value of the contract General Principles

5 H. Danared | Collaboration Board | Page 5 Since the launch of Expressions of Interest in spring 2013, discussions on in-kind are going on with 24 organizations. Out of these, 14 could deliver true in-kind contributions and 6 (?) will likely have to be paid from ESS cash budget. Possible in-kind partners to Accelerator have been identified in Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Italy, Norway, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK. Value of items discussed with these partners represents 49% of accelerator budget, excluding cash contributions and paid contracts. In-Kind to Accelerator Next step with many partners is to agree on technical details and write Scopes of Work. At the same time, political issues need to be solved at higher levels. Signed In-Kind Agreements are needed during 2015 in most cases. Not IKC, 22% Planned IKC, 49% Potential IKC, 26% Cash ”IKC”, 3%

6 H. Danared | Collaboration Board | Page 6 Partner Institutions True in-kind CEA CNRS Cockcroft Inst Daresbury Lab Elettra ESS-Bilbao Huddersfield Univ IFJ PAN INFN Catania INFN Legnaro INFN Milan NCBJ RAL Tallinn UT TU Lodz Univ Oslo Warsaw UT Wroclaw UT Cash in-kind Aarhus Univ DESY GSI/FAIR Lund Univ PSI Uppsala Univ

7 H. Danared | Collaboration Board | Page 7 Denmark Contract (not in-kind) on HEBT design and design and delivery of rastering magnet system under development, now 2nd iteration between Legal Offices. Technical Annex and Statement of Work essentially complete. Aim to sign contract before end of the year.

8 H. Danared | Collaboration Board | Page 8 Estonia Visit to Tallinn University of Technology took place 2 October. Collaboration on alternative development of high-voltage module for klystron modulators proposed, but their development time would be too long. Collaboration on high-voltage module for IOT modulators proposed instead, waiting for reply. Value of in-kind contribution approximately 50 k€, additional financing with Estonian funds.

9 H. Danared | Collaboration Board | Page 9 France Agreement (not contract) with CEA for RFQ, cavities and cryomodules, beam instrumentation and controls. Agreed value 72 055k€ for Accelerator. Heads of Agreement signed by ESS for urgent items, unclear when it can be signed by French side. Similar agreement with CNRS on spoke cavities and cryomodules and cryo distribution for the spoke linac. Agreed value 19 899 k€. Waiting for technical appendix for HoA with CNRS. Controls (signal processing) for spoke cryomodules needed but not agreed. Costing for this to be developed. Technical annexes for in-kind contract to be elaborated for CEA and CNRS.

10 H. Danared | Collaboration Board | Page 10 Germany Contracts with DESY paid with cash for now, with expectation of recognition as ”in kind” later. Contract on BPM pickup bodies and feedthroughs and on BPM and BCM FPGA firmware to be signed by ESS within 1-2 weeks(?). Total value roughly 100 k€. Slow progress in LLRF discussions(?). Proposed meeting not held yet. On-going discussions on consultancy and manpower for RF test stand. MoU signed with FAIR, mentioning beam instrumentation, cryogenics, vaccum and controls.

11 H. Danared | Collaboration Board | Page 11 Italy On-going collaboration with INFN Catania on ion source, LEBT and WP3 management. On-going collaboration with INFN Legnaro on DTL. Proposal expected from INFN Milan within a few days on procurement and manufacturing follow-up of elliptical cavities. Discussions with Elettra on spoke amplifiers, beam instrumentation, and warm magnets with power supplies. Interest expressed by Elettra on manpower for installations. Italian process towards in-kind contracts taking place between INFN, Elettra and CNR. Contracts expected to be signed in spring 2015.

12 H. Danared | Collaboration Board | Page 12 Norway Beam instrumentation has been discussed, unclear if it can materialize. Postdoc/ion source expert may be contributed as in-kind during two years.

13 H. Danared | Collaboration Board | Page 13 Poland Recent decision in Council of Ministers for participation in ESS construction, so discussions with Poland expected to speed up. Institute of Nuclear Physics, IFJ PAN (Krakow) intends to contribute manpower for tests, installations, etc. Need to know scope fairly soon to plan for their staff. Lodz University of Technology have been collaborating with Warsaw University of Technology for LLRF to XFEL and propose to give a similar contribution to ESS. National Centre for Nuclear Research, NCBJ (Swierk) has on-going collaboration on design of collimators and are expected to deliver gamma blocker. Warsaw University of Technology will collaborate on phase-reference line and most likely on LLRF. Wroclaw University of Technology are ready to sign a HoA on cryogenic distribution (design as an initial stage), excluding the spoke linac. A pre-financing agreement is necessary, but no one has been in the position to sign such an agreement on the Polish side.

14 H. Danared | Collaboration Board | Page 14 Spain HoA signed for MEBT, agreed value 4464 k€. Good progress on HoA appendix for RF of normal-conducting linac. Signature expected before the end of the year. Also discussion on beam instrumentation beyond that of the MEBT. Work on the Technical Annexes of the In-Kind Agreement should now start.

15 H. Danared | Collaboration Board | Page 15 Sweden On-going collaboration on prototype spoke cavity and cryomodule test in the FREIA hall at Uppsala University. Draft contract for the next phase of the collaboration sent to Uppsala. This includes tests of spoke cavities and cryomodules, tests of spoke valvebox and 704 MHz RF tests originally foreseen to be performed in Lund. On-going collaboration with Lund University on development of LLRF. Prototyping of klystron modulators agreed, and contract for an RF test stand is being finalized.

16 H. Danared | Collaboration Board | Page 16 Switzerland Discussions on beam instrumentation taking place with PSI.

17 H. Danared | Collaboration Board | Page 17 United Kingdom Beam instrumentation is being discussed with Cockcroft Institute Discussions with Daresbury Lab on vacuum (technical scope almost final), elliptical cavities (details being elaborated) and beam instrumentation Huddersfield University will provide waveguides and related equipment for the superconducting linac Beam instrumentation is being discussed with RAL/ISIS All UK contributions go through the STFC. Legal part of IK agreement expected to be signed this year. Technical appendices to follow.

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