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Numerical simulation of dissimilar metal welding

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1 Numerical simulation of dissimilar metal welding
Z. Bézi1, Sz. Szávai1, C. Ohms 2 1 Engineering Division (BAY-ENG) Department of Structural Integrity and Production Technologies 2 European Commission Joint Research Centre, Institute for Energy and Transport SimDay 2015 Budapest 8 October, 2015

2 Introduction Goal: replicate the conditions of a heterogeneous weld in a type of WWER 400 RPV nozzle and determine welding residual stress (WRS) distributions Why to predict residual stress? Small scale mock-up manufacturing Finite Element Analysis – Challenges: Spatial modelling, modelling of welding heat source, material behaviour and properties, post weld treatments Measurement method: neutron diffraction Validation of WRS in 15H2MFA steel

3 Residual stresses Residual stress has a significant role in many failure mechanisms: stress corrosion cracking, fatigue, and fracture… Tensile residual stresses decrease the reliability and useful life of a component Compressive residual stresses at the surface increase the performance Residual stresses satisfy the equilibrium and in all components they are both tensile and compressive. Example: compressive surface stress, imply tensile stress below surface zone, which may lead to sub-surface crack initiation Need to understand the residual stress variations in test specimens and component

4 Why to predict weld residual stresses?
Existing components: Residual stress is important to accurately determine intervals and detection targets for recurrent inspection (SCC, fatigue and fracture) Assess known defects in detail to assure the margins for safe operation Design of residual stress for new components and modification of existing welds: Increase the useful life of a component Post weld treatments for existing welds by mechanical or thermal methods Optimization of welding and treatments for new components

5 Mock-up manufacturing
Getting of the Bulk materials 15H2MFA (cutting from original WWER 440 reactor sample, from Paks Nuclear Power Plant, 800x300x40) X6CrNiTi18-10 (1.4541) (similar to 08H18N10T, 1000x300x40) Making of the WPS Cutting, welding and heat treatment technology 10CrMo9-10 (15H2MFA) X6CrNiTi18-10 (1.4541) (08H18N10T)

6 Mock-up manufacturing
Purchase of the original Russian Welding electrodes (it was the most difficult task) Welding of the Mock-up Welding of the buttering layer on a preheated specimen (3±1mm) Welding of the cushion layer with max. interpass temperature of 100°C Heat treatment of the specimen on 670°C for 16 hours Welding of the root weld from the root side Welding of the filling and capping weld

7 Finite Element Analysis – Challenges
Residual stresses are such stresses which remain in a component after removal of all external loads, and are caused by Nonhomogeneous plastic deformation due to local rapid heating/cooling and due to boundary conditions Solidification and difference in thermal expansion Phase transformations Challenging factors in welding simulation: 3D modelling (bead size, 3D effects, interacting welds) Modelling of welding heat sources Material modelling and properties Suitably accurate heat source model for the welding method The processes in the arc and melted pool are not modelled The liquid weld pool is modelled by an equivalent heat conduction model representing the welding method of interest

8 Type of Current and Polarity Type of Current and Polarity
Finite Element Analysis – Challenges Basic information is required for the modelling: Welding method Welding voltage, current and travel speed Pre-heating and interpass temperature Number of weld beads – weld protocol/micrograph Details specific to welding method Convection conditions Temperature dependent material properties Welding Process Current (A) Voltage (V) Type of Current and Polarity Heat Input (kJ/mm) 1st layer SMAW 24-25 DCEP ~0,61 2nd layer 25-26 ~0,69 Welding Process Current (A) Voltage (V) Type of Current and Polarity Heat Input (kJ/mm) Root weld GTAW 50-60 12-13 DCEN ~0,1 Filling weld SAW 28-29 DCEP ~1,16 Welding parameters of the cladding Welding parameters

9 Finite Element Analysis
Challenges in materials properties and modelling: Identify and quantify relevant deformation conditions: strains, cyclic loading Conduct testing: monotonic and/or cyclic Formulate constitutive model : type of hardening (isotropic, kinematic, mixed), temperature effects, rate effects Required temperature dependent parameters, 20°C to 1500 °C (melting-point): Young’s modulus Thermal conductivity Specific heat capacity Thermal expansion Measurement: Chaboche’s parameters JMatPro calculation: Flow curves CCT diagram Hardness values Simulation Modelling Heat treatment

10 Finite Element Analysis
MSC.Marc and Simufact solver Work tasks: Simulate the cladding process (9 beads along the plate) Simulate the heat treatment after the cladding (670°C at a rate of 50°C/h for 16 hours) Simulate the butt-weld process (39 passes) 3D model Elements: 32060 Nodes: 35238 Fine mesh at heat affected zone Convective heat transfer coefficient: 20W/m2K FE modell

11 Section of Mock-up on diffractometer
Measuring residual stresses: neutron diffraction Residual stress diffractometers at beam tubes HB4 and HB5 at the High Flux Reactor of the Joint Research Centre in Petten Measurements in the welding transverse and plate normal directions have been performed in the ferritic steel section on the diffractometer at HB5. For the welding longitudinal direction, the specimen was mounted on the diffractometer at HB4. Section of Mock-up on diffractometer

12 Results: cladding and heat treatment
Residual stress component: welding transverse direction HT longitudinal direction Temperature distribution and size of HAZ plate normal direction

13 Results: after butt-weld
Residual stress component: welding transverse direction Residual stress distribution and fraction of each phase after welding longitudinal direction plate normal direction Residual stresses from FE simulations at 7 mm below the upper surface

14 Distortion after dissimilar metal welding
Results:comparison of experiment and modelling Distortion after dissimilar metal welding Good agreement

15 Validation of WRS in 15H2MFA ferritic steel
Line A: mm from the specimen surface Line B: mm from the specimen surface Line C: 3.33 mm from the specimen surface Line A Line B Line C Acceptable agreement

16 Summary 3D model was utilized to predict stress fields after welding, especially the longitudinal residual stresses which are in general most harmful to the integrity of the structure among the stress components, in dissimilar steel butt-welded joints between ferritic and austenitic steels which are in essence have different thermal and mechanical properties An acceptable agreement has been found between the predicted and the measured data that verifies the validity of the employed model The simulation results show that reliable predictions can be achieved if detailed and careful modelling is used, especially with respect to heat source modelling and high temperature properties and material hardening behaviour

17 Further development Nozzle DN 500 simulation with phase transformation
Use the result in NDT simulation

18 Acknowledgement This project has received funding from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Program (FP7/ ) under grant agreement n◦

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