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Promoting Diversity in the Workplace Diploma of Government (Financial Services)

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1 Promoting Diversity in the Workplace Diploma of Government (Financial Services)

2 © CIT Solutions Pty Ltd 2014 © CIT Solutions Pty Ltd 2016 Before we start  Emergency procedures  Facilities  Mobile phones  Keep safe and comfortable  Phone (on silent)  Emergency procedures  Facilities  Mobile phones  Keep safe and comfortable  Phone (on silent)

3 © CIT Solutions Pty Ltd 2014 © CIT Solutions Pty Ltd 2016 Promote diversity Learning outcomes  By the end of today’s session learners will be able to: – Implement workplace diversity strategies – Develop effective and inclusive work practices – Generate new ideas – Improve the organisation’s responsiveness to the community Learning outcomes  By the end of today’s session learners will be able to: – Implement workplace diversity strategies – Develop effective and inclusive work practices – Generate new ideas – Improve the organisation’s responsiveness to the community

4 © CIT Solutions Pty Ltd 2014 © CIT Solutions Pty Ltd 2016 Review of Session 4  Communicating in the Workplace  Monitor and Maintain  Any questions?  Has your Group decided on your research topic?  Communicating in the Workplace  Monitor and Maintain  Any questions?  Has your Group decided on your research topic?

5 © CIT Solutions Pty Ltd 2014 © CIT Solutions Pty Ltd 2016 What is diversity?  What does it mean to you?  In your Groups, construct a list of all the terms you associate with diversity.  What does it mean to you?  In your Groups, construct a list of all the terms you associate with diversity.

6 © CIT Solutions Pty Ltd 2014 © CIT Solutions Pty Ltd 2016 It could be…

7 © CIT Solutions Pty Ltd 2014 © CIT Solutions Pty Ltd 2016 Diversity – defined Collins dictionary – “the state or quality of being different or varied.” Diversity includes:  Age; Ethnicity (our racial background); Gender; physical abilities/qualities; race; sexual orientation; educational background; geographical location; income; marital status; parental status; religious beliefs; work experience and job classification. Collins dictionary – “the state or quality of being different or varied.” Diversity includes:  Age; Ethnicity (our racial background); Gender; physical abilities/qualities; race; sexual orientation; educational background; geographical location; income; marital status; parental status; religious beliefs; work experience and job classification.

8 © CIT Solutions Pty Ltd 2014 © CIT Solutions Pty Ltd 2016 APSC Definition  …defines diversity as covering “age, language, ethnicity, gender, cultural background, disabilities, religious beliefs, social and community responsibilities and carer and family responsibilities” APSC Induction Program (Module 6)  As managers, it is your responsibility to think about diversity principles and the way you can demonstrate positive behaviours to others.  …defines diversity as covering “age, language, ethnicity, gender, cultural background, disabilities, religious beliefs, social and community responsibilities and carer and family responsibilities” APSC Induction Program (Module 6)  As managers, it is your responsibility to think about diversity principles and the way you can demonstrate positive behaviours to others.

9 © CIT Solutions Pty Ltd 2014 © CIT Solutions Pty Ltd 2016 Workforce diversity in the APS  The APS is one of the largest employers of Australian workers.  What sort of different backgrounds, education, life experiences, beliefs, perspectives have you come across in your roles?  The APS does acknowledge and value these differences – how?  The APS is one of the largest employers of Australian workers.  What sort of different backgrounds, education, life experiences, beliefs, perspectives have you come across in your roles?  The APS does acknowledge and value these differences – how?

10 © CIT Solutions Pty Ltd 2014 © CIT Solutions Pty Ltd 2016 Diversity & EEO  Workplace diversity and EEO polices help to address employment disadvantage experienced by particular groups of people. For example: – Women returning to the workforce – people from non-English speaking backgrounds – Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people people with a disability.  Workplace diversity and EEO polices help to address employment disadvantage experienced by particular groups of people. For example: – Women returning to the workforce – people from non-English speaking backgrounds – Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people people with a disability. (Equal Employment Opportunity)

11 © CIT Solutions Pty Ltd 2014 © CIT Solutions Pty Ltd 2016 Diversity & EEO  Public Service Act 1999 – strong emphasis on the importance of diversity and equity in employment – In particular, the APS Values state that the APS provides a workplace that is free from discrimination recognises and utilises the diversity of the Australian community it serves, and promotes equity in employment.  Public Service Act 1999 – strong emphasis on the importance of diversity and equity in employment – In particular, the APS Values state that the APS provides a workplace that is free from discrimination recognises and utilises the diversity of the Australian community it serves, and promotes equity in employment. (Equal Employment Opportunity)

12 © CIT Solutions Pty Ltd 2014 © CIT Solutions Pty Ltd 2016 Diversity…  affects an employee’s level of engagement  … which in turn affects their commitment and intention to remain at that workplace.  affects an employee’s level of engagement  … which in turn affects their commitment and intention to remain at that workplace.

13 © CIT Solutions Pty Ltd 2014 © CIT Solutions Pty Ltd 2016 Group Discussion  Discuss in your Group what you see are the benefits of having a diverse workforce.  Refer to page 149 of your workbook and pages 245-250 and complete GAA 11 Part 2, questions 4, 5 & 8.  Discuss in your Group what you see are the benefits of having a diverse workforce.  Refer to page 149 of your workbook and pages 245-250 and complete GAA 11 Part 2, questions 4, 5 & 8.

14 © CIT Solutions Pty Ltd 2014 © CIT Solutions Pty Ltd 2016 Legislative frameworks  Can you name some? – Racial Discrimination Act 1975 – Sex Discrimination Act 1984 – Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act 1986 – Disability Discrimination Act 1992 – Fair Work Act 2009 – Age Discrimination Act 2004 – APS Values.  Can you name some? – Racial Discrimination Act 1975 – Sex Discrimination Act 1984 – Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act 1986 – Disability Discrimination Act 1992 – Fair Work Act 2009 – Age Discrimination Act 2004 – APS Values.

15 © CIT Solutions Pty Ltd 2014 © CIT Solutions Pty Ltd 2016 Cultural diversity quiz  Group exercise – Handout 5.1  The following quiz contains 10 questions to see how much you know about our diverse nation.  Group exercise – Handout 5.1  The following quiz contains 10 questions to see how much you know about our diverse nation.

16 © CIT Solutions Pty Ltd 2014 © CIT Solutions Pty Ltd 2016 The challenges of workplace diversity  Stereotyping and generalising  Differences in languages, traditions, cultural behaviours and personalities can create barriers and conflict  Upholding diversity principles may require: – Strength of character to be different – Us to challenge our personal beliefs, values and principles.  Stereotyping and generalising  Differences in languages, traditions, cultural behaviours and personalities can create barriers and conflict  Upholding diversity principles may require: – Strength of character to be different – Us to challenge our personal beliefs, values and principles.

17 © CIT Solutions Pty Ltd 2014 © CIT Solutions Pty Ltd 2016  Watch the video “A fine pair” and identify what challenges the supervisor is facing as a result of diverse people in his section.  We will collate the challenges as a class.  Watch the video “A fine pair” and identify what challenges the supervisor is facing as a result of diverse people in his section.  We will collate the challenges as a class. The challenges of workplace diversity

18 © CIT Solutions Pty Ltd 2014 © CIT Solutions Pty Ltd 2016 The APS commitment to a diverse workforce  PS Act 1999 (section 18) requires all Australian Government entity heads to establish a workplace diversity program.  APSC publishes guidelines on Workplace diversity to assist entities to comply with their legislative obligations.  PS Act 1999 (section 18) requires all Australian Government entity heads to establish a workplace diversity program.  APSC publishes guidelines on Workplace diversity to assist entities to comply with their legislative obligations.

19 © CIT Solutions Pty Ltd 2014 © CIT Solutions Pty Ltd 2016 Diversity and the wider organisation  HR Management – Certified Agreements – Planning, selection and recruitment, performance appraisal, training and development, occupational health and safety and workplace relations – Flexible working arrangements.  HR Management – Certified Agreements – Planning, selection and recruitment, performance appraisal, training and development, occupational health and safety and workplace relations – Flexible working arrangements.

20 © CIT Solutions Pty Ltd 2014 © CIT Solutions Pty Ltd 2016 Analysis of workplace diversity  Must provide data (at least annually) to the APSC.

21 © CIT Solutions Pty Ltd 2014 © CIT Solutions Pty Ltd 2016 State of the Service Report – Ch 5

22 © CIT Solutions Pty Ltd 2014 © CIT Solutions Pty Ltd 2016 Group Discussion  GAA 11 – Complete questions 1, 2 & 3 on Diversity statistics  Review the statistics and answer the question posed.  GAA 11 – Complete questions 1, 2 & 3 on Diversity statistics  Review the statistics and answer the question posed.

23 © CIT Solutions Pty Ltd 2014 © CIT Solutions Pty Ltd 2016 DiSC  Challenges of workplace diversity & emotional intelligence.  DiSC model – a model to increase your understanding of your own behaviour, temperament and personality and of those with whom you work.  Challenges of workplace diversity & emotional intelligence.  DiSC model – a model to increase your understanding of your own behaviour, temperament and personality and of those with whom you work.

24 © CIT Solutions Pty Ltd 2014 © CIT Solutions Pty Ltd 2016 DiSC

25 © CIT Solutions Pty Ltd 2014 © CIT Solutions Pty Ltd 2016 Ideas for workplace diversity strategies from the APSC  APSC released in July 2012 a diversity program “Including you – APSC Workplace diversity program”  The aim of the program is to include as completely as possible the diversity of the Australian community into our workplace and our activities.  APSC released in July 2012 a diversity program “Including you – APSC Workplace diversity program”  The aim of the program is to include as completely as possible the diversity of the Australian community into our workplace and our activities.

26 © CIT Solutions Pty Ltd 2014 © CIT Solutions Pty Ltd 2016 APS Program - Actions  Treat all people with dignity and respect  Adapt and adopt organisation and work methods to include everyone  Focus on what is possible and aim to achieve this  Take account and advantage of differing beliefs, circumstances, needs and backgrounds in our operational systems, work methods and management styles  Have good stewardship of resources and make reasonable, objective decisions.  Treat all people with dignity and respect  Adapt and adopt organisation and work methods to include everyone  Focus on what is possible and aim to achieve this  Take account and advantage of differing beliefs, circumstances, needs and backgrounds in our operational systems, work methods and management styles  Have good stewardship of resources and make reasonable, objective decisions.

27 © CIT Solutions Pty Ltd 2014 © CIT Solutions Pty Ltd 2016 APS Program – Individual actions  Always behave courteously, respectfully, collaboratively and without prejudice  Uphold the APS Values, including valuing equity and diversity  Support your colleagues  Share your skills and knowledge  Participate in any survey or census  Be objective in your thinking and decision making.  Always behave courteously, respectfully, collaboratively and without prejudice  Uphold the APS Values, including valuing equity and diversity  Support your colleagues  Share your skills and knowledge  Participate in any survey or census  Be objective in your thinking and decision making.

28 © CIT Solutions Pty Ltd 2014 © CIT Solutions Pty Ltd 2016 APS Program – Individual actions  Seek out knowledge and ideas from a diverse range of sources  Be conscious of how your actions and words may be perceived by other  Ask for assistance from your manager or HR Team if you have or acquire a disability or injury for which you may need support  Seek assistance or speak out if you witness behaviour that is not in accordance with the APS Values  Identify and report issues affecting work performance, engagement and job satisfaction.  Seek out knowledge and ideas from a diverse range of sources  Be conscious of how your actions and words may be perceived by other  Ask for assistance from your manager or HR Team if you have or acquire a disability or injury for which you may need support  Seek assistance or speak out if you witness behaviour that is not in accordance with the APS Values  Identify and report issues affecting work performance, engagement and job satisfaction.

29 © CIT Solutions Pty Ltd 2014 © CIT Solutions Pty Ltd 2016 APS Program – Manager actions  Create a supportive environment for sharing new ideas  Recognise the business case for greater diversity  Actively support their staff to achieve their maximum potential in the workplace  Assist the Commission to achieve a safe and healthy work environment.  Create a supportive environment for sharing new ideas  Recognise the business case for greater diversity  Actively support their staff to achieve their maximum potential in the workplace  Assist the Commission to achieve a safe and healthy work environment.

30 © CIT Solutions Pty Ltd 2014 © CIT Solutions Pty Ltd 2016 APS Program – Manager actions  Address issues as they arise – with compassion and empathy, and with aim of achieving a positive resolution  Recognise, value and utilise the individual skills and strengths within your team  Help employees to know their strengths and limits, and achieve a good work-life balance.  Address issues as they arise – with compassion and empathy, and with aim of achieving a positive resolution  Recognise, value and utilise the individual skills and strengths within your team  Help employees to know their strengths and limits, and achieve a good work-life balance.

31 © CIT Solutions Pty Ltd 2014 © CIT Solutions Pty Ltd 2016 Workplace diversity coordinator  What is their role?  Other options for managers to consider? – Mentoring – Coaching – Work Trials/Job Rotation – Implement special programs.  What is their role?  Other options for managers to consider? – Mentoring – Coaching – Work Trials/Job Rotation – Implement special programs.

32 © CIT Solutions Pty Ltd 2014 © CIT Solutions Pty Ltd 2016 Diversity training  Increased awareness will result in increased sensitivity towards the distinct qualities in other people.  Does your entity offer this?  What does it include?  Increased awareness will result in increased sensitivity towards the distinct qualities in other people.  Does your entity offer this?  What does it include?

33 © CIT Solutions Pty Ltd 2014 © CIT Solutions Pty Ltd 2016 Group Discussion  Group exercise – Review the challenges faced with having a diverse workforce and the legislation related to diversity and answer GAA 11 – Part 2, Questions 6, 7 & 9 to complete this assessment.

34 © CIT Solutions Pty Ltd 2014 © CIT Solutions Pty Ltd 2016 Evaluating workplace diversity  Each entity must provide the Public Service Commissioner with a copy of its diversity program.  It must also be published on the Agency’s website.  Diversity programs must be measured and reported on annually.  Agency Diversity programs must be reviewed at least every 4 years.  Each entity must provide the Public Service Commissioner with a copy of its diversity program.  It must also be published on the Agency’s website.  Diversity programs must be measured and reported on annually.  Agency Diversity programs must be reviewed at least every 4 years.

35 © CIT Solutions Pty Ltd 2014 © CIT Solutions Pty Ltd 2016

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