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Traveled around for various cases, generally relating to land claims and dispute between debtors and creditors. Jefferson relied on his law practice.

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4 Traveled around for various cases, generally relating to land claims and dispute between debtors and creditors. Jefferson relied on his law practice for more than half his income. Before long, the call of public service was intruding on his law practice. Shortly after he was named representative of Albemarle County to the lower chamber of the house of Burgesses.








12 Thomas Jefferson purchased Louisiana from Napoleon for about 15 million dollars. Jefferson purchased Louisiana because he felt uneasy about France and Spain having the power to block American trade to the port of New Orleans The expedition had several goals, including finding a "direct & practicable water communication across this continent, for the purposes of commerce"



15 Thomas Jefferson was married to Martha Wayles Skelton. At age 22 Martha already had 1 child with her first marriage. Martha Jefferson died on September 6, 1782 Thomas Jefferson had 6 children with Martha. Only two of whom survived adulthood Their oldest daughter Martha lived to 25

16 Jefferson' health began to deteriorate by July 1825, and by June 1826 he was confined to bed. His death was from natural causes, a combination of illnesses and conditions Jefferson died on July 4, 1826, the fiftieth anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, and a few hours before John Adams. Jefferson hated slavery. Successfully criminalized the international slave trade in 1807.


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