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BILATERAL AID By Seb and Pete. (And Beth (for a day))

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1 BILATERAL AID By Seb and Pete. (And Beth (for a day))

2 DEFINITION Bilateral means "two sides". This type of aid is from one country to another. Quite often bilateral aid is also tied Aid. This is the most common type of aid.

3 ADVANTAGE Bilateral aid has many advantages. Countries are often well placed to assist others with which they have long-standing relationships. They have specific technical skills often developed in, or because of association with, the countries concerned. They often, as is the case with imperialist/colony relationships or other historical ties, have linguistic and personal similarities which may make them better suited to provide specific aid. Their institutional structures are often derived one from the other as well.

4 DISADVANTAGE The main disadvantage of Bilateral aid is that the country receiving the aid will often “owe” the Donating country something in return, be it money at a later date (possibly with interest) or resources.

5 A great deal of aid money has been wasted due to corruption and inefficiency. Some people argue that aid has not made a difference to development in Africa and point to trade reform as a better alternative.

6 EXAMPLES Britain giving money and sending experts to help build a dam in Turkey. Following the Tsunami on boxing day 2004, many countries around the world donated money and resources to help rebuild after the disaster.

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