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By: Mrs. Jenkin. The rise of industry and trade led to the growth of cities.

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1 By: Mrs. Jenkin

2 The rise of industry and trade led to the growth of cities

3   Americans learned to develop tools that made work easier to use for building furniture, farm work, and household items (clothing)  The way goods were being made changed-these changes first appeared in Great Britain  Industrial revolution changed way people worked Growth of Industry

4   Industrial Revolution first appeared in New England  New England's geographic location was advantageous because it was close to resources (coal, iron), had waterpower (rivers, streams) to run machinery in factories, and had ports to ship goods.  Why were factories built near rivers and streams? Industrial Revolution in New England

5   Economic system in the U.S.=capitalism  Under capitalism individuals put their capital, or money for an investment, into a business hoping to make a profit.  Free enterprise people are free to buy, sell, and produce whatever they want.  Major elements of free enterprise are 1.Competition 2.Economic freedom 3.Private property 4.Profit Industrial Revolution in New England

6   The Industrial Revolution could not have take place without the invention of machines and technology- simplified work through scientific discovery  Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin-a machine that quickly removed the seeds from the cotton  Congress passed a patent law to protect the rights of those who developed inventions.  Patent-gives legal rights/ownership to inventions New Technology

7   Britain tried to keep their industrial revolution a secret to the United States.  Francis Cabot Lowell opened a textile plant in Massachusetts. His stages of cloth making all happened over one roof. His mill launched the factory system-a system bringing manufacturing steps together in one place to increase efficiency New England Factories

8   Eli Whitney stated the use of interchangeable parts- identical and uniform machine parts that can be quickly put together to make a complete product  Interchangeable parts made producing goods on a mass scale more efficient and reduced the price of goods. Interchangeable Parts

9   Industries were financed by small investors (farmers, merchants) in hope of earning a profits  Corporations began to develop-stocks were sold  Congress developed the Second Bank of the U.S. (1816)-the bank had the power to make large loans for business Economic Independence

10  Population growth chart  Urban and Rural Population chart Pg 310 Population of U.S. 1820

11 The abundant amount of territory added to the U.S. gave the country natural resources and land for settlers

12   Census-official count of a population In 1820 what was the population of the U.S.? A pioneer family heading west with a wagonload of goods faced hardship and danger heading west Moving West

13   Nation needed good roads to travel/ship goods  Turnpikes, or toll roads, were built to help pay for construction  The National Road was built and went as far west as ______________map pg 316 Roads and Turnpikes

14  River Travel  Advantage  could ship more goods using barges  more comfortable than bumpy roads  Steamboats ushered in a new age in river travel- shipping goods became cheaper and faster.  Steamboats contributed to the growth or river cities (St. Louis)  Disadvantage  Rivers flowed in a north-south direction not east-west direction  Traveling upstream was hard and slow

15   Canal-artificial/man made waterway used for shipping goods  Built the Erie Canal to connect Albany on the Hudson River to Buffalo on Lake Erie (map 318)  On the canal a lock is built Erie Canal

16   Pioneer families settled in communities along great rivers (Mississippi River or Ohio River) to ship their crops to market  The expansion of canals allowed people to live farther away from rivers  Life in the West didn’t have all the conveniences of Eastern town life Western Settlement

17 As the nation grows differences in economic activities increases sectionalism Sectionalism=loyalty to a region

18   James Madison’s (4 th president) terms are over  1816 presidential election the republican candidate, James Monroe, faced almost no opposition and won.  James Monroe was part of the Era of Good Feelings because it was a time of strong nationalism and no sectionalism Era of Good Feeling

19   Sectionalism means loyalty to a region. (Westerners, Southerner, Northerner)  Regional differences happen because of having a different viewpoint on issues. Issue of slavery-Do the North and South feel the same way about slavery? Sectionalism Grows

20   John C Calhoun: Planter from the SOUTH  supports state sovereignty/state rights  High tariffs/taxes raised the prices of manufactured goods  Daniel Webster: Industry in NORTH (New England)  Supported free trade and shipping in New England  Henry Clay: National Leader that tried to resolve sectional disputes (North vs South) through COMPROMISE Spokesperson for region

21   Sectional tension/frustration happened over the issue of admitting new states to the Union (USA) and whether the states should allow slavery  South wanted Missouri (part of Louisiana Purchase) to be a slave state and North wanted Missouri to be a free state  Henry Clay COMPROMISED (Missouri Compromise) and allowed Missouri to be a slave state and Maine (was not a state yet) to be a free state. (map pg 323) Missouri Compromise

22  TARIFF=TAX on 1.imports (foreign goods that come to USA) 2.exports (goods made in USA that we sell abroad) What made goods from the British more expensive?? Tariff of 1816

23   Henry Clay proposed/created/announced the American System which wanted Tariffs to stimulate/grow the American Industry Clay believed that tariffs would provide government with $$ to build roads and canal, that business could use their profits to buy more agricultural goods from the South, and that the South could ship agricultural goods to North using transportation system American System

24   President Monroe wanted to resolve long-standing disputes with Great Britain  Rush-Bagot Treaty provided disarmament (removal or weapons) along Canadian border  Americans gained the right to settle in Oregon Country Relations with Britain

25   Spain owned Florida but U.S. believed that West Florida was part of the Louisiana Purchase land  General Andrew Jackson invaded Spanish East Florida  The Adams-Onis Treaty showed the U.S. military strength because Spain gave up Florida Relations with Spain

26   Monroe Doctrine=USA becomes allies and the “Big Brother” to the countries around USA.  European countries cannot colonize/intervene in any new territories in the Americas (South America, Central America )….WHY??  Monroe Doctrine became new Foreign Policy in USA Monroe Doctrine

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