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SOPs for SWS Website Spring 2015. General Tasks Keep the Home page up-to-date and relevant – Change information and dates as necessary. – Change pictures.

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Presentation on theme: "SOPs for SWS Website Spring 2015. General Tasks Keep the Home page up-to-date and relevant – Change information and dates as necessary. – Change pictures."— Presentation transcript:

1 SOPs for SWS Website Spring 2015

2 General Tasks Keep the Home page up-to-date and relevant – Change information and dates as necessary. – Change pictures and logos as necessary. As time permits, review the web pages and update as necessary. Respond to notification of broken links or out-of-date information. Update the Southwesterly when it is sent to you. – Select the Governor’s message and update the Governor’s page with that new message. Update election information every two years – Bios of candidates and election forms are maintained on the website. – After the election, update Board of directors and committee chairs (this may not be available right away). – Update Teller’s report. Update committee information upon request.

3 Chapter Information Update Chapter information when data is sent by chapter. – Solicit updated information when you are notified that the chapter info is inaccurate. – Some chapters send newsletters monthly. Update the newsletter for that chapter by over-writing the previous version. We do not archive these newsletters. Update chapter scholarship information as necessary. – Check with Membership chair and Governor regarding defunct chapters, new chapters that should be added.

4 Section Meeting Packets The governor requests reports for the chapter chairman packets, usually one month before the section meeting. Spring is time for chapter reports. They should submit written reports - any length - to and to the section secretary. Remind them that when they submit the reports, the file name should include the chapter name and the date. - e.g. reno_area_march2015.doc Too often we get files named chapter report.doc - as if that is the only chapter to submit a report! Fall is time for Committee Reports In addition, chapters and committees may submit fliers for projects such as Poker Runs, Pancake breakfasts, scholarship deadlines, etc. The main link to these reports is found on this page, by meeting - most recent to older. This spring 2015 meeting list of reports will be here: where the name of the page matched the current meeting. This link should replace the Fall 2014 link on the home page. Repeat the last instruction for each section meeting. The actual reports will be in this directory:[season_year]/ – Create a new directory for each meeting, as demonstrated in the directory. When you receive the reports, put them in the specified directory. Then link them on the sws_cc_packets_sp_2015.html page. Select a Fall report list to copy to create a new Fall report. Select a Spring report list to copy for a spring list. This simplifies the linking process, because Fall has committees, Spring has chapters.

5 Enter stats for each section meeting. Provides an historical overview of section meeting stats. Enter a new meeting record: This operation may be delegated to the Vice Governor or to the chair of the most recent SWS meeting.

6 Using the Cpanel for SWS by Maureen Login: swssorg Pw: fly2004

7 The webhost Manager provides the applications necessary to maintain the websites that are hosted on the section website. Poke around and get familiar with the various parameters that can be changed.



10 This symbol provides a way for you to view the individual c-panels of hosted sites.


12 Check this list for accuracy at least once a year. Notify the treasurer so that she can bill the chapters $36 per year.

13 When you see this message, it means that you should up the limits for that website.

14 Manage the List of SWS 99s. This link will open the mail list program. User id and password are the same as main login. The mail list is set to EMERGENCY MODERATION. This means that anyone can send an email to the list address, but it will not be released to the list unless an administrator specifically accepts it and submits it. Any bogus or bad emails can be discarded. This policy eliminates ALL spam that might otherwise get to the list. When someone requests to send an email to the list, give them the address. Tell them to notify you when they have sent a group email, so that you will know when to manage the list. Occasionally the list will need to be refreshed. Refresh list – 1.Create a new list, similar name 2.Download the SWS member list from the Ninety-Nines directory. 3.Create an email and last name CSV file. 4.Follow the directions to upload this file to the new list. 5.Delete the old list. 6.When requested by a member (usually a committee chair or the governor, or a section meeting chair) provide them with the new email address for the list.

15 Update email forwards After an election, email forwards will need to be updated.

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